LMAO... so BB is only noob friendly and that's what makes it so good??... oh, come on now...![]()
To me Sapphire is more noob friendly since it gives so many tweakable settings in a noob-friendly UI...... :icon_ banana:
J/K... I have much love for both... but I surely do not share the contempt towards Pete and his BB for not being built from source....lmao
I think you are mistaken about 'contempt towards Pete'. In fact Pete recent interview said he will be building from source in the future! He is learning what he needs to know to move forward building from source. Not hacking leaked or stock ROMS.![]()
There you go.... you are more grounded about Pete than most.... but the posts I've seen makes no mistakes about some of the contempt.
Anyways, when Pete does put out a source built BB, then perhaps he'll finally get an acorn of respect...lol:icon_eek:
Pete has and continues to receive respect from many IMO. People want what they want. Pete wants what he wants. And I believe Pete said he wants to work for Google doing Android development. Pretty good driving force to continue development of some great ROMS I would think.

CVPCS and CCROMS team currently develop some of the best source built ROMS for the DROID. I like there development approach. On the same token I have an appreciation for other devs source built ROM's. IMO source built ROM's is the future at least for phones that are not locked down and can not be flashed with custom source built ROM's.
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