Home++ Just added Screenshot!

Something is wrong with the screenshot's taken with Home++. I had to re-scale the image to get the forum upload function to recognize the file type. I kept getting this error message when trying to upload any screenshots I took.

"This PNG image has the incorrect file extension."

I love my custom icons :)

what did you use for your icons?
Its not really screenshot capability....its technically homescreenshot ability.

I'm just sour cuz my bb used to screenshot anything&everything ... soon enough...I guess.

Props to Home++ for allowing screen shots
Referring to my screen? If so, the weather is "Weather Widgets" free version and the flip clock is the default clock that Home++ has included with it.
Thanks. But I was looking for the one on Vulcans screenshot where the weather is on the side of the flip clock. I am loving Home++.
VulcanRider: What app is it that has the flip clock and weather on your screen?
It was simply called Flip Clock - and comes in Large and Small - and its free. I just removed it late last night for a more appealing (IMHO) clock.
Thanks. But I was looking for the one on Vulcans screenshot where the weather is on the side of the flip clock. I am loving Home++.
My weather is Weatherbug Elite - a paid app.
Where do I find home ++ themes? I see none on the market place. Only themes I see are for aHome and other Home replacement apps.