My choice of phone is better than your choice of phone.
In terms of customization, it is the most like the Droid than any phone out right now on Verizon's network. Doesn't matter that its not Moto or not even a Droid. It has the ability to be fully and completely customizable, which is extremely rare nowadays. Moto has moved completely away from that. Honestly, from the things I loved about the Original Droid, the ones that are coming out from Moto are Droid by name only. I mean, which do you think would be able to run Cyanogen (let alone run it first), TBolt or Bionic?Woah... things kinda escalated in here, huh?
Anyway, I should probably clarify a few things.
1- When I said the Bionic would never be rooted, I meant TRUE root. Yes, you can go all halfsies and have access to the root directory and flash themes, but you will never be able to unlock the bootloader, and thus, you're really still at the mercy of Moto and Verizon in how fast your device can be and how often you are able to update. If Verizon decides the Bionic is not going to be supported anymore, you're SOL in terms of updating. With the TBolt, this will never be a problem, which is why I got it. Its the one phone that is the most like the original Droid, where it will still be updated by ROM Devs long after Verizon decides its outdated.
2. As for the HDMI out... Not that I personally think this is a big deal, but the specs of the HTC Multimedia Dock will come with HDMI compatibility, so that will not be an issue in the future for those of you who are inclined to do that.
First, it's not anything at all like the original Droid. It's not Motorola, and it's not even a Droid. Yes, I understand you're talking about rooting. Don't get me wrong I understand how great the TB is. I don't know where you get the idea that it is always going to be supported? Everything runs out of support in time.
And as far as being supported... Verizon and Google aren't putting out updates for the Droid anymore, even though it probably could run Gingerbread. Those updates go to the D2, DX, etc. If not for Mods, people running that device would be stuck with Froyo forever. Also, when the Droid first came out, it was underclocked to 500mhz. If not for an update (I believe it was 2.1), it would have stayed there and not been increased to 800mhz stock. With rooting, we knew it could have gone up to 1.25Ghz. After going through that, all I can think about the Bionic is 'how fast could this thing be, and how much will Moto hold it back?'. I'd rather have control over that, like I did with the Droid as opposed to being at the mercy of Moto.
My choice of phone is better than your choice of phone.
Yeah... I know you were referring to OTAs, but still. When you're talking about TBolt vs Bionic (or any other device due out after next Monday) you're talking about the ability to keep it fresh for literally 2 years. The Droid was dropped from OTA updates after 1 year. If the same thing happens to the Bionic, people who buy it are literally going to be stuck with yesterday's Android for a year before they have the ability to upgrade.And as far as being supported... Verizon and Google aren't putting out updates for the Droid anymore, even though it probably could run Gingerbread. Those updates go to the D2, DX, etc. If not for Mods, people running that device would be stuck with Froyo forever. Also, when the Droid first came out, it was underclocked to 500mhz. If not for an update (I believe it was 2.1), it would have stayed there and not been increased to 800mhz stock. With rooting, we knew it could have gone up to 1.25Ghz. After going through that, all I can think about the Bionic is 'how fast could this thing be, and how much will Moto hold it back?'. I'd rather have control over that, like I did with the Droid as opposed to being at the mercy of Moto.
We're pretty certain that there will be an OTA for Gingerbread for the X and D2. Specially since there are leaks for it already.
+10 for acknowledging the D1 could run Gingerbread. I'll knock off a couple of points for missing the update to speed up the the Droid was in fact 2.2.
But when I was referring to updates yes, I acknowledge that Devs can update the TB for rooters, but not everybody wants to root.:icon_eek: Yes, I know, shocking! I was referring to regular OTA updates.
But you made a good argument, I actually agreed with it (I thought) on my first post.
Only a crazed HTC fanatic would think the TB is better than the not-yet-released Bionic. I had a TB and returned it due to its beyond terrible battery life, it's terrible antenna, and its marginal performance increase over the Dinc. Honestly, my iPhone is MUCH smoother even though it is 9 months older than the TB....
The Bionic will be faster, have better battery life, and will DEFINITELY have a better antenna with no "death grip" (I'm convinced the TB has one)
Also, no HDMI SUCKS, DLNA cannot share LIVE media... With a Bionic I would be able to HDMI to a TV, connect my Wii mote (which doesn't work with HTC) and play emulated games on the big screen. If you have kids that's the best thing on the planet!! A NES/SNES/N64/Genesis in your pocket that can be connected to a TV is much better than a media hub that can wirelessly be connected to share media files....
Why would I ever want to connect my phone to a tv? Seems counterproductive. As far as dual core verses single the atrix has dual core and actually was evenly matched to the thunderbolt winning some and losing some tests. All done on WiFi which actually slows the Thunderbolt down when compared to using LTE
sent via ThunderBolt
Why would I ever want to connect my phone to a tv? Seems counterproductive. As far as dual core verses single the atrix has dual core and actually was evenly matched to the thunderbolt winning some and losing some tests. All done on WiFi which actually slows the Thunderbolt down when compared to using LTE
sent via ThunderBolt
I said why I want to connect to the TV... It's a lot easier than carrying around my NES...
Also, with a DX I could stream the YouTube or VeVo to any HDMI tv... Combine that with LTE and you get YouTube HD videos on your TV easily. DLNA offers no LIVE streaming... You said why would you ever want to connect to a tv, my question is why would you NOT want the option to?? Most new phones can do it... I guess the TB is HTCs way to hustle money out of people that are willing to buy less for more. Much like the Xoom, the TB is a premium device that wouldn't have passed round one of Apple's QC...
Damn Android sheep, willing to pay more for something that isn't even out of beta!!!! Is uncle Eric blackmailing yall with your private information his company has farmed??
(See what I did there)
I'd say that 90% of the members of this forum are logical, the other 10% own a Thunderbolt!!! That 10% will say anything to justify their purchase to everyone else... I don't care what phone you have, but don't say you made the right decision and everyone waiting for a much better device are somehow stupid. If you feel the need to justify your purchase that means YOU are questioning the purchase yourself.
BTW you all got snookered on that rumor of a LTE price hike, the Charge is coming with the same data plan, and I'm sure the Bionic will too... The only time the price WOULD go up is when the iP5 comes out.
Few things to answer the original quote
Why would you want to hook to a tv? Just because "most" new phones have it doesn't mean that everyone wants it. If its a matter of having whatever your watching on a bigger screen then use a computer and hook it up or use a tv with the cable/sattelite package your paying for as well. If you use it on a computer it will be smoother, you can do something else and come back to it without the video restarting, and more. I fail to see the point of a hdmi out on a phone.
Why wouldn't the tb pass Apples QC? True, there are bugs but their are also bugs in the IPhail 4. AND, its open! It has an unlocked bootloader and is rooted.
I'm not even gonna grace that paragraph with a real response other than this..... what's your problem? Your calling people stupid for buying a certain phone but you give no reasons as to why their stupid.
Prove everyone got snookered on the price hike. It WILL happen, no one said when it was going to happen though. So far its all been speculation.
Sent from my Liberated D2G
I said why I want to connect to the TV... It's a lot easier than carrying around my NES...
Also, with a DX I could stream the YouTube or VeVo to any HDMI tv... Combine that with LTE and you get YouTube HD videos on your TV easily. DLNA offers no LIVE streaming... You said why would you ever want to connect to a tv, my question is why would you NOT want the option to?? Most new phones can do it... I guess the TB is HTCs way to hustle money out of people that are willing to buy less for more. Much like the Xoom, the TB is a premium device that wouldn't have passed round one of Apple's QC...
Damn Android sheep, willing to pay more for something that isn't even out of beta!!!! Is uncle Eric blackmailing yall with your private information his company has farmed??
(See what I did there)
I'd say that 90% of the members of this forum are logical, the other 10% own a Thunderbolt!!! That 10% will say anything to justify their purchase to everyone else... I don't care what phone you have, but don't say you made the right decision and everyone waiting for a much better device are somehow stupid. If you feel the need to justify your purchase that means YOU are questioning the purchase yourself.
BTW you all got snookered on that rumor of a LTE price hike, the Charge is coming with the same data plan, and I'm sure the Bionic will too... The only time the price WOULD go up is when the iP5 comes out.
Few things to answer the original quote
Why would you want to hook to a tv? Just because "most" new phones have it doesn't mean that everyone wants it. If its a matter of having whatever your watching on a bigger screen then use a computer and hook it up or use a tv with the cable/sattelite package your paying for as well. If you use it on a computer it will be smoother, you can do something else and come back to it without the video restarting, and more. I fail to see the point of a hdmi out on a phone.
Why wouldn't the tb pass Apples QC? True, there are bugs but their are also bugs in the IPhail 4. AND, its open! It has an unlocked bootloader and is rooted.
I'm not even gonna grace that paragraph with a real response other than this..... what's your problem? Your calling people stupid for buying a certain phone but you give no reasons as to why their stupid.
Prove everyone got snookered on the price hike. It WILL happen, no one said when it was going to happen though. So far its all been speculation.
Sent from my Liberated D2G
There mere fact that all phones are coming out with the TV out ability is an exact indication that people want this feature.
Speculation of a price hike will get some frightened people to buy the TB, however, it is just a rumor about tier data price hikes. Scam if you ask me.
Verizon needs the TB to capture some market share before they let out another release.
Awwwww....Guys….I can't have you calling someone an idiot and flaming them for posting. We don't do that here, if your post was deleted or part of it deleted that's why. Let's not get insulting, keep it respectful.
Awwwww....Guys….I can't have you calling someone an idiot and flaming them for posting. We don't do that here, if your post was deleted or part of it deleted that's why. Let's not get insulting, keep it respectful.
No love for the Billy Madison quote?
haha... fair enoughAwwwww....Guys….I can't have you calling someone an idiot and flaming them for posting. We don't do that here, if your post was deleted or part of it deleted that's why. Let's not get insulting, keep it respectful.
No love for the Billy Madison quote?
I didn't say it didn't have style. Just that it's not allowed.![]()