iphone on verizon
If rumors of the iPhone coming to Verizon pan out, I will consider a switch. Live TV, especially sports is key for me. Seeing ads for live coverage of the NCAA tourney on iPhone made me green with envy. Flash would have allowed me to view it from the NCAA website. Too bad it did not make it in time. I have to say, with a slogan like "Droid does" Google has opened themselves up to the criticisms. If I see the "you need to get the latest flash" screen one more time... other than that I love to support Google, and hope it works out before my phone is obsolete...
If rumors of the iPhone coming to Verizon pan out, I will consider a switch. Live TV, especially sports is key for me. Seeing ads for live coverage of the NCAA tourney on iPhone made me green with envy. Flash would have allowed me to view it from the NCAA website. Too bad it did not make it in time. I have to say, with a slogan like "Droid does" Google has opened themselves up to the criticisms. If I see the "you need to get the latest flash" screen one more time... other than that I love to support Google, and hope it works out before my phone is obsolete...