Thanks! I went to the full web site and looked up the feature in the way you described. Here's what the site pop-up said when I clicked 'Tell Me More':
Mobile Broadband Connect
Use your Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Smartphone as a modem to get instant online access on your computer.
Mobile Hotspot
Using your 4G LTE Smartphone, share your data allowance with multiple Wi-Fi-enable devices. No additional drivers or software necessary.
Requires an unlimited data package / plan subscription of $29.99 or higher.
Additional Terms & Conditions apply.
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4G Mobile Hotspot
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I already have 4G Mobile Hotspot but I wonder if I have to remove it and then have it added back on the way others are having it added... I still haven't heard back from Verizon from the web site email system. It's been over 24 hours now.