Apologize for posting this again. Posted on the wrong thread.
hello all, i hope prime does not mind but i modified the zip to make it easier for people to use.
what changed:
added the droid overclock module to /system/lib/modules (do not need to install apk)
removed *compcache scripts (i dont use compcache)
removed sysr* scripts (already have built in scripts for this on sapphire)
modified overclock and install it as /system/etc/init.d/96_overclock
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I don't mind but would you post it in a different thread please.
The reason being I don't want to diagnose an issue only to find they are running a modified zip of my kernel, the overclock module is not in /system/lib/modules for a reason currently (the overclock addresses change as I make kernel changes), sysrw/ro are not included in all ROMS (in CM7 they are bash aliases - only available in bash).
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