Last Post Wins.....Ver 2

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From the article that you linked...
" spoiler alert! — the process does indeed start with real chicken carcasses. The breast meat is removed, then put through a grinder, where it's mixed with chicken skin and seasoning.

Then, it's shaped into McNuggets, which apparently come in four distinct patterns — the bell, the ball, the bow tie and the boot. (Am I the only one who never noticed this?)

Finally, those little lumps of chicken get their crunchy coats on — they are battered not once but twice and par-fried for shipment to franchisees. Not exactly health food, but not this, either."

Sent from my Note 4
That would mean McDonalds changed their recipe.
They've been advertising all white meat for at least a few years now.

And now that you mention it, I believe the exact line was "NOW made with all white meat," so you're probably right.

Sent from my Note 4
That's my point. Last year they were outed as having less than 50% meat at all.

Now they are using 100% meat (minus the skin)? I'm not buying it. To go from not even 50% meat to 100% would be a major cost overhead which isn't reflected in the cost to the consumer.

It reminds me of when Taco Bell was forced to either add meat to their products or stop promoting them as having meat in them.
Thank goodness for a beautiful Saturday!!!...I got to sleep in until 9!! Win for me!!
Me too. I think the little guy was afraid to wake me up. Haha! I left cereal for him in his cabinet, but he's not used to that any more because we've been waking him up for school instead of him waking up before us.

He must've come in 3 to 4 times whispering ever so softly that I couldn't make out what he was saying.

On another note, Ollie had finally pressured me into trying Fleksy...

Sent from my Note 4
Um yeah. I pressured you lol.
Um yeah. I pressured you lol.
Well you made a decent case for it and there's a 40 free trial. Already added a few days by unlocking some achievements as well.

Prediction seems better than swiftkey, but I'm also forced to tap instead of flow now, so I'll have to go back to swiftkey and disable flow to really compare the two.

Removed the space bar to force myself to use the swipe to space feature. Bit of a learning curve there and I'm not the biggest fan of the themes they offer. This blue one I unlocked is kinda growing on me though.

Think my thumb will be sore fromskthe extra motion of tapping instead of flowing in portrait...

Sent from my Note 4
A relaxing Saturday!
Fleksy? this a keyboard?
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