Most people are using my House of Bionic to manage the leaks. I have a 242 support installer that contains the update, the boot.img, and a recovery.img for 242. The HoB makes it somewhat "safer" to play with leaks as it has built in support to allow you to move forward (as we have done from 235 to 238 and now to 242) without data or app loss and it can generate a "mini-fxz" that can restore you if you manage to soft brick. The caveat to that is that the 242 update must remain on your sdcard-ext in order for the REINSTALL option to work properly in the case of a soft brick. If you just want the update itself, grab the 242 installer package from my HoB thread and install it. It'll create a directory on your desktop with the 3 files in it that I mentioned.
Okay cool... thanks bro.