Been listening to both the Phillies/Toronto and Yankees/Rays games with no problems at all.
Important to note, though, that I'm docked, fully charged, and running off my home wifi with the router sitting about six inches from my phone.
There are so many variables involved in streaming audio from radio stations that I'm not at all surprised that some people would have trouble with some games from some stations.
It ain't a perfect system, folks. It's jerry-built out of pieces and parts, all of which are under the control of multiple individuals/technologies that are, at best, interfaced, not integrated.
The assumption that this should all go as smoothly as technology developed and ironed out for the last 90 years is simply silly.
There is one major flaw with your logic. They acknowledge the problem and claim an update will repair it.
The issue with that is there is no telling when this update will be released and they can't communicate with their inquiring paying customers.