We were expecting an update to happen this week beginning on January 22nd but folks its arriving early! Verizon is pushing out a 61.4 MB maintenance release today ahead of schedule that should get users excited for whats soon to come. We haven't seen reports of the version / build number change, although we believe there is still something going on behind the scenes and soon, that will update to 2.0.1 ESD59.
Our sources have indicated Android 2.1 has passed all internal testing on the Droid and a target is to have all Droids updated before the end of the month. This patch had added some minor fixes and preps the phone for a smooth Android 2.1 RELEASE. To be clear, the forthcoming immediate update is not 2.1, but a precursor to smooth the transition to 2.1 which will follow within the next couple of weeks. Stay Tuned, more details to come!
Check out the discussion already in progress here: