The greater majority of iPhone zombies are dedicated to Steve, not AT&T. Offer them a service provider that actually offers service and in areas AT&T can only dream of and they will drop AT&T, sell their iPhones on eBay and jump to Verizon in a second.
I doubt 95% of iPhone users would ever jump to an Android, Windows or RIM platform even if someone pointed a gun at them. They remain faithful to Stevie. However, I do believe there are quite a few who would jump to the iPhone if it was offered on Verizion (I personally know two who are drooling at the thought of Verizon getting the iPhone.)
Personally, I would not, I can't stand anything that says Apple; hell I eat tons of fruit but I won't even eat an apple. But I know a few that I work with who would jump on Stevie's iPhone bandwagon in a second if Verizon offered it.
There are large areas of this country where you cannot get AT&T 3G coverage but you can get Verizon 3G. Even though this is not what a person would consider to be a Large network of people, it is still a large area of coverage.
Then there are the people who travel and are fed up with AT&T's lack of coverage in the USA versus Verizon, or even Sprint.
Your right, Nerd are faithful to their products... I know i am, im faithful to Android. NO CHEATING AT ALL, Not even with an iPod. I hate proprietary stuff.....Itunes is a bunch of bs, if i buy an "music device" it will actually play my mp3's, And it wont go through any crap that company requires. i havent wasted anything on apple, they can go have fun trying to control everything. I wont be apart of it.
I hope VZ doesnt offer anything from apple... Just saying, Steve needs to stop trying to rule the world....