After update I noticed new folders on the sd card, my_music, my_pix, my_flix, and a couple others.
Overall I am dissapointed with this update. I have done a few battery pulls to try to speed the phone up and nothing seems to work. I hope another update will follow soon.
rogue app would be my guess too. something it's jiving with the rest of your phone.
Maybe try to untick your sync on your droid and then retick it.... same with your notifications.
Overall I am dissapointed with this update. I have done a few battery pulls to try to speed the phone up and nothing seems to work. I hope another update will follow soon.
rogue app would be my guess too. something it's jiving with the rest of your phone.
Forgive me but what is a rogue app? I dont have many apps on my phone at all.
rogue app would be my guess too. something it's jiving with the rest of your phone.
Forgive me but what is a rogue app? I dont have many apps on my phone at all.
I would think just an app that's might not be compatible yet with the Droid, hence it gives it problems like the ones you described. Like they've said, if you've had to do many batt pulls, you need to get your device replaced. Either that, or uninstall everything, and install one by one till you find the culprit app.
The issue about acting funny while charging - if you are referring to the virtual keyboard while plugged in and trying to text and getting multiple characters when you tap, is NOT related to the 2.0.1 update. It has been happening with me for the past 3 weeks when I got my Droid. I simply just unplug it when I need to text then plug it back in. I've often thought about maybe its because I'm using my old Blackberry Storm charger. Are you doing the same?
Forgive me but what is a rogue app? I dont have many apps on my phone at all.
I would think just an app that's might not be compatible yet with the Droid, hence it gives it problems like the ones you described. Like they've said, if you've had to do many batt pulls, you need to get your device replaced. Either that, or uninstall everything, and install one by one till you find the culprit app.
pretty much what he described. a rogue app is just a term being kicked around to refer to an app that causes issues with the phone. Some have to do with poor compatibility, poor code writing etc... just something to be aware if you run into any 'bugs'
generally i don't think you need to uninstall everything then reinstall one by one. I would first try to uninstall the most recent apps you've installed since your problems begin and working from there. complete wipe would be a last resort IMO.
Are you may just not being realistic? You said an app took a second or two to open, this is nothing unusual. However if you stating that you pressed an icon and the phone took 2 seconds to pop up something then yeah that is laggy. Animations are not always fluid and the fastest way an app will load is if its already running somehow and you just bring it up again.
scrolling on the internet isn't as smooth as it was previously. Has anybody had the internet lock up on them? Happened to me, maybe just a freak occurrence.
Typing seems much better.
Browser scrolling is choppier, like 5~10 fps lost (does fps even apply here?)
Anyway I compared my 2.0.1 and wife's 2.0.0 using the same browser side-by-side, the difference in fluidity is there, especially on long pages with a lot of vertical scrolling.
It's a minor setback but other enhancements makes up for it.
If you got the OTA update (not a manual update), does the top right tab in the Market App still say "Verizon" and take you to apps suggested by VZ?
Does it now say "Downloads" and take you to your downloaded apps?
I did a manual update, and no longer have the Verizon tab. So I am wondering if there is a difference between the OTA update and the manual update.
How did you get the manual update? I have am still waiting for the OTA update!