Wtf my 20 data discount went away this month? Last month I had a billing problem, I bet the tech screwed my plan...should I be able to get it back?
Since this thread is back from the dead... Given the change to share everything plans, is it even still possible for me to add a new line to my plan for the $19.99? Or will my new line be $39.99? I have 2 lines now with unlimited data thanks to this thread... I'm guessing if I add a 3rd line today, that line will have the 2gb data allowance but other 2 lines will remain unlimited until I upgrade those phones. I'm trying I figure out what my new 3rd line would cost. Thanks in advance for any help!
Wtf my 20 data discount went away this month?
Is this a 20% company discount you're talking about or a promotional plan discount?
If it is a company discount, do you still work for that company? I heard they review that sometimes (like for plan changes maybe).
If it is a promotional plan discount then probably what happened is that the rep reentered your plan info or changed something else and the code for the promotion wasn't in the system or available any more. In this case if you call they should be able to fix it or at least get something about the same. I've had a number of promo codes on my plan from many years ago and first/second tier support doesn't even have any way to look them up much less enter them into the system for you. Your previous bills should have the promo codes on them?
But a great memory for those of us who got itThis thread needs to go to a happy place and die. Very misleading to those not.realizing its 2 years old.
Getting the run around from loyalty dept...said they changed my plan when they issued me a credit last month...I in no way authorized a plan change and now they are saying once its removed it can't be added back? Wtf
Getting the run around from loyalty dept...said they changed my plan when they issued me a credit last month...I in no way authorized a plan change and now they are saying once its removed it can't be added back? Wtf
When I was a senior rep, we had a $150 credit point that I could authorize a credit without supervisor approval. I can't even imagine how an entire plan was changed when applying a credit. Unfortunately, I have to hear more about what happened to you because I'm sort of in disbelief that adding a credit to your account, the rep changed your plan in the process. I say that because I sat in that rep's shoes at one time. Anything over $150 went to supervisor approval, and again, no plan change would have had to be made. You're now working with Retentions (I call it CMO), so give them time, be patient, be calm, polite, but firm, and you should get it resolved.I called the loyalty dept today but did not back in august when the regular Rep apparently changed my plan while trying to issue me a credit. The loyalty dept did in fact work to change my plan back to what it was but it has been over 30 days...problem is I didn't know it was changed until I just got my bill. And yes I hope they pull the tape of my conversation from when the original rep tried to credit my account. They are supposed to call me back tomorrow. Ugh
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