NEW: When Will the ThunderBolt be Available for Purchase?

When will it be available?

  • Thursday, March 3rd

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Friday, March 4th

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Thursday, March 10th

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Thursday, March 17th

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Later than March 17th

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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I think its safe to say that it wont be releasing this week. Next up... March 10th!! God this nokia is KILLING ME!!:wacko:
Please keep things on topic here.
how the heck was that post off topic bmx is the only one that has reliable info??


10 char

He was on a roll with his Tweets last night. People need to get a life and quit harrassing the guy or he won't be giving us anymore insight. If there is something to say I believe he post it as it becomes available.

Not directed here but just saying in general.
At this point I don't care if I have to wait till March 31st, I'm 96.87% sure the TBolt will be my next phone. I just want to know WHEN it will be my next phone.

I'm gonna hold my breath Verizon!! I'll do it! If I pass out, I swear I'm going to Cricket!!!11!

The removal of the massive ad campaing is somewhat troubling to me. It makes me wonder if there not putting this phone OUT there for the release because there really is something wrong. Hope not but am worried.

Cant wait for this to release. I had hopped for this week but really believe the 10th is looking like the most logical time frame.
how the heck was that post off topic bmx is the only one that has reliable info??


10 char

He was on a roll with his Tweets last night. People need to get a life and quit harrassing the guy or he won't be giving us anymore insight. If there is something to say I believe he post it as it becomes available.

Not directed here but just saying in general.

+1 10 char
So another day and still nothing from Verizon.. well yet.. Interesting thing.. Google HTC Thunderbolt and first articles that came up were showing the Infuse 4G with ATT&T.. 4.5 screen, 1.2 gig processor.. really only LTE is the only thing TB has ver it.. makes me think.. but let's be real.. LTE is worth it.. I know we got the Ipad2 announcement today too right?? Maybe a little TB announcement can still happen..
So another day and still nothing from Verizon.. well yet.. Interesting thing.. Google HTC Thunderbolt and first articles that came up were showing the Infuse 4G with ATT&T.. 4.5 screen, 1.2 gig processor.. really only LTE is the only thing TB has ver it.. makes me think.. but let's be real.. LTE is worth it.. I know we got the Ipad2 announcement today too right?? Maybe a little TB announcement can still happen..

A) I think if it was coming, it would have come by now.

B) I don't think it's coming this week. If it was I don't see the point of the "no news" Twitter and Facebook posts. 3/31
I am afraid its not gonna be for a while. I spoke to our verizon rep and she said they will give 2 weeks notice of the phones release. That would rule out the 3rd, 4th and 10th.
Damn I hope she is wrong.
likely total BS, but my BB guy said word on the street is that it is pushed back to April.
rlfitz, she doesnt know what shes talking about. Phones come out all the time with no 2 week window.

People have to understand something, especially when dealing with someone on the phone.

If there is no answer, or they do not know or wont/cant find out they are going to make something up. Its not about delivering you the truth. Its about giving someone an answer and making it sound like they know what they are talking about. Most call centers strive to have low talk times with high resolutions. I worked in internet tech support for 4 yrs and we would do this all the time. For instance I just fixed someones DSL and they wanted to know WHY it went down and what I did to fix it. Sometimes there isnt an answer, but in order to get them off the phone your going to give them something to satisfy the question.

With what has been posted on twitter by the Panda nation I would say the 10th looks very realistic. I would say we will get an anouncement either this Friday or Monday. If an anouncement doesnt come by then I would say its most likely going to come out on the 17th.
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