NEW: When Will the ThunderBolt be Available for Purchase?

When will it be available?

  • Thursday, March 3rd

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Friday, March 4th

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Thursday, March 10th

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Thursday, March 17th

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Later than March 17th

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Hookbill, I am kind of new to these forums. How do you have inside info? Do you work for Verizon or something? It seems everyone is very interested in what you think will be the big day. Just curious, maybe I am missing something.

I can't reveal who I'm getting the information from, it could cause someone to lose their job. So stick around to see if I'm right or if I get a cyber lynching. :icon_eek:

But you haven't given us a date. How will know if you are right?

Well I've given some possible dates. Now if none of the ones I mentioned popped up you will know I was wrong. I'll tell you what if it comes out on one of the days listed and it isn't the one I think I will tell you.
This post and your one earlier today seem plausible, but where are you getting your information? Who or what is your source of inside info? Can you post a link? You can understand how skeptical we all are around here when people make claims such as this after the ride we have all been taking. I'm not saying you don't know what you're talking about, you certainly could work for VZW, I'm just saying that we don't know if you do or not.

Also, how would VZW know what the tiers will be yet? There are no phones on the LTE network yet, so how do they know what to charge for what amounts of data? I think there needs to be 1-3 LTE phones released first to gather data for a couple of months, then make that determination. Additionally, the markets to test this are limited since LTE is not available in most cities yet. Charging anything but $30 unlimited 3G/4G right now is premature, imo. Maybe they will throttle back the highest data hogs to save bandwidth for other more common users, but I think the summer rumors will hold true.

I will tell you that I have a reliable source(s) that has/have been rock solid on Verizon mobile technology for a while now. I understand the skepticism, and I share it... My informants say this is the biggest mess of a smartphone launch they've ever seen. Verizon and HTC are not getting along well - worse than when the Incredible was in short supply because of the lack of AMOLEDs.

Regarding the reasoning for implementing the 4G tiers AFTER the launch of a few LTE phones... you're for the most part, right. They do want to get let the network go live so they can see what's appropriate to charge and where to draw the line in terms of consumption. But I will say that they also have an idea of what it will be like already, and if the ThunderBolt suffers another month or more of a delay, will simply implement them along with the phone's launch. That is unlikely but is a real thought being tossed around in the VZW camp.

For a week now the target date has indeed been March 10. However, Verizon wanted to announce that date to the public yesterday on March 1. The plan was pre-orders would go up tomorrow (March 3) and the phone would hit the 10th.

For one reason or another, that did not happen. So, unless Verizon is willing to shorten the pre-order window significantly from what was planned, this device will be released later than the 10th.

Also, as I've said, the LTE overconsumption issue was fixed through firmware. The phone right now is ready to go, but Verizon is flirting with some changes to the battery and possibly loading 2.3 on some of the devices at launch. That would delay the release to either the 24th or 31st.

That's essentially what I know right now. If I hear anything, I'll pass it along on these forums with all of you.
I still don't but the delay being from the 3g 4g hand off unless big reds network is jacked up, HTC knows how to do 4g, if they can do it on sprints crappy network VZW shouldn't be a problem?

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a guy over at androidforums is saying tomorrow(announcement)

prob just more lies tho lol

Also, as I've said, the LTE overconsumption issue was fixed through firmware. The phone right now is ready to go, but Verizon is flirting with some changes to the battery and possibly loading 2.3 on some of the devices at launch. That would delay the release to either the 24th or 31st.

That's essentially what I know right now. If I hear anything, I'll pass it along on these forums with all of you.

How would HTC be able to make their UI work on a new version of Android 2.3GB in 2-3 weeks? When they can't even get the whole phone out in a month+...

Maybe it just gets cancelled... that should have been on the poll...
after all they pulled the commercials... on Youtube and I have not seen them on TV either recently...
I am tired of waiting. It's sad that vzw can't get this phone launched. By the time it is released. 5g+ will be ready with quad processors and 12 inch screens.
I can't reveal who I'm getting the information from, it could cause someone to lose their job. So stick around to see if I'm right or if I get a cyber lynching. :icon_eek:

But you haven't given us a date. How will know if you are right?

Well I've given some possible dates. Now if none of the ones I mentioned popped up you will know I was wrong. I'll tell you what if it comes out on one of the days listed and it isn't the one I think I will tell you.

Well enlight of Miami's departure I am glad to see you picking up in here Hook.. :) Keeps us going each day.. now on topic.. still hoping for this week but like the rest that seems to have faded... onto the 10th!!
seriously, dont announce a phone on a 4g network if it has too many bugs

"Hey fans, we appreciate all the excitement about the anticipated launch of the ThunderBolt by HTC. We're excited too! Verizon 4G LTE is America’s fastest, most advanced 4G network & we want to ensure the advanced technology behind our first 4G LTE phone is flawless. We will announce its release date as soon as it is confirmed. Thanks for your support & patience while we work to bring you the ThunderBolt by HTC."
and to this pic, sorry for reposts. i dont feel like reading lol

a poster named "Bennnnn" is repeatedley saying an announcement tomorrow, with release next week and that the announcement is tentative.
He provides the following riddle as another hint to this:

"6 Words make this sentence. Letters are jumbled throughout the sentence, but it is in the correct format. Colon is in the correct place in the sentence. Here are the letters.


Good luck!"

[Forum Game] New Thunderbolt goodie? UPDATE: One of us is right! - Page 83 - Android Forums
This doesn't make any 'sense'
a poster named "Bennnnn" is repeatedley saying an announcement tomorrow, with release next week and that the announcement is tentative.
He provides the following riddle as another hint to this:

"6 Words make this sentence. Letters are jumbled throughout the sentence, but it is in the correct format. Colon is in the correct place in the sentence. Here are the letters.


Good luck!"

[Forum Game] New Thunderbolt goodie? UPDATE: One of us is right! - Page 83 - Android Forums

Sent from my Droid using DroidForums App
I will tell you that I have a reliable source(s) that has/have been rock solid on Verizon mobile technology for a while now. I understand the skepticism, and I share it... My informants say this is the biggest mess of a smartphone launch they've ever seen. Verizon and HTC are not getting along well - worse than when the Incredible was in short supply because of the lack of AMOLEDs.

Regarding the reasoning for implementing the 4G tiers AFTER the launch of a few LTE phones... you're for the most part, right. They do want to get let the network go live so they can see what's appropriate to charge and where to draw the line in terms of consumption. But I will say that they also have an idea of what it will be like already, and if the ThunderBolt suffers another month or more of a delay, will simply implement them along with the phone's launch. That is unlikely but is a real thought being tossed around in the VZW camp.

For a week now the target date has indeed been March 10. However, Verizon wanted to announce that date to the public yesterday on March 1. The plan was pre-orders would go up tomorrow (March 3) and the phone would hit the 10th.

For one reason or another, that did not happen. So, unless Verizon is willing to shorten the pre-order window significantly from what was planned, this device will be released later than the 10th.

Also, as I've said, the LTE overconsumption issue was fixed through firmware. The phone right now is ready to go, but Verizon is flirting with some changes to the battery and possibly loading 2.3 on some of the devices at launch. That would delay the release to either the 24th or 31st.

That's essentially what I know right now. If I hear anything, I'll pass it along on these forums with all of you.

Ok then, thanks for the info and insights, and for keeping us posted.

VZW and HTC not getting along right now makes sense (Apple favoring? Bickering over functionality of this phone? Supply issues?). Calling this launch a "mess" is quite an understatement. That's like calling the wake of the Gulf Coast oil spill or Hurricane Katrina "a mess." I find it hard to believe the powers that be would delay this phone even more until the end of the month, it's been too long already.

I also find it hard to believe they would change the 1400 mAh battery at this late stage, especially after hearing that the short life issue was fixed by the final firmware update. They can't make it any higher capacity than 200-300 mAh more than it already is and still make it fit the slot, without making it a true "extended" battery and causing a bulge w/ a new door (which I don't see happening, it would totally change the look of the device and not fit into cases already manufactured and sold). And this would cost a lot to replace them all, and would take time to manufacture them all. But I guess we will find out for sure eventually. If it is true, I will be a happy camper (even though it will cause me to wait another 2-3 weeks for it). I would gladly sacrifice another 2 weeks of waiting if they decided to put in a bigger/better battery (as long as it still fits without a bulge). I don't understand why they didn't put a 1700-2000 mAh battery from the get-go, everyone knows HTC phones struggle with battery life, why go small/thin? HTC made no "Sense" with that design choice (pun intended). It would not cost all that much more, and would not add that much extra thickness, if they were smart about it.

Why would they load 2.3 Gingerbread on "some" of the devices and not others? Why not just load it on all of them at the point of sale, or wait a week or two after sales start and let TB owners do the update themselves? Then no more delay would be required, and they would not have to pay people extra to open all the boxes individually and do it before shipping and launch day. The only reason I can see this happening is if something about Gingerbread will help the phone with battery life.

I remain optimistic for 3/10, and hope for some kind of announcement from VZW tomorrow, with the possibility of pre-orders beginning soon. Then again, it could be just another day we see have potential, come, and then pass us by.
I will tell you that I have a reliable source(s) that has/have been rock solid on Verizon mobile technology for a while now. I understand the skepticism, and I share it... My informants say this is the biggest mess of a smartphone launch they've ever seen. Verizon and HTC are not getting along well - worse than when the Incredible was in short supply because of the lack of AMOLEDs.

Regarding the reasoning for implementing the 4G tiers AFTER the launch of a few LTE phones... you're for the most part, right. They do want to get let the network go live so they can see what's appropriate to charge and where to draw the line in terms of consumption. But I will say that they also have an idea of what it will be like already, and if the ThunderBolt suffers another month or more of a delay, will simply implement them along with the phone's launch. That is unlikely but is a real thought being tossed around in the VZW camp.

For a week now the target date has indeed been March 10. However, Verizon wanted to announce that date to the public yesterday on March 1. The plan was pre-orders would go up tomorrow (March 3) and the phone would hit the 10th.

For one reason or another, that did not happen. So, unless Verizon is willing to shorten the pre-order window significantly from what was planned, this device will be released later than the 10th.

Also, as I've said, the LTE overconsumption issue was fixed through firmware. The phone right now is ready to go, but Verizon is flirting with some changes to the battery and possibly loading 2.3 on some of the devices at launch. That would delay the release to either the 24th or 31st.

That's essentially what I know right now. If I hear anything, I'll pass it along on these forums with all of you.

Ok then, thanks for the info and insights, and for keeping us posted.

VZW and HTC not getting along right now makes sense (Apple favoring? Bickering over functionality of this phone? Supply issues?). Calling this launch a "mess" is quite an understatement. That's like calling the wake of the Gulf Coast oil spill or Hurricane Katrina "a mess." I find it hard to believe the powers that be would delay this phone even more until the end of the month, it's been too long already.

I also find it hard to believe they would change the 1400 mAh battery at this late stage, especially after hearing that the short life issue was fixed by the final firmware update. They can't make it any higher capacity than 200-300 mAh more than it already is and still make it fit the slot, without making it a true "extended" battery and causing a bulge w/ a new door (which I don't see happening, it would totally change the look of the device and not fit into cases already manufactured and sold). And this would cost a lot to replace them all, and would take time to manufacture them all. But I guess we will find out for sure eventually. If it is true, I will be a happy camper (even though it will cause me to wait another 2-3 weeks for it). I would gladly sacrifice another 2 weeks of waiting if they decided to put in a bigger/better battery (as long as it still fits without a bulge). I don't understand why they didn't put a 1700-2000 mAh battery from the get-go, everyone knows HTC phones struggle with battery life, why go small/thin? HTC made no "Sense" with that design choice (pun intended). It would not cost all that much more, and would not add that much extra thickness, if they were smart about it.

Why would they load 2.3 Gingerbread on "some" of the devices and not others? Why not just load it on all of them at the point of sale, or wait a week or two after sales start and let TB owners do the update themselves? Then no more delay would be required, and they would not have to pay people extra to open all the boxes individually and do it before shipping and launch day. The only reason I can see this happening is if something about Gingerbread will help the phone with battery life.

I remain optimistic for 3/10, and hope for some kind of announcement from VZW tomorrow, with the possibility of pre-orders beginning soon. Then again, it could be just another day we see have potential, come, and then pass us by.
Maybe VZW wants them to lock the bootloader down and HTC is saying no way, and lose all of the great free advancements? I mean our devs are awesome and you know the phone companies keep an eye and use ideas!
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