NEW: When Will the ThunderBolt be Available for Purchase?

When will it be available?

  • Thursday, March 3rd

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Friday, March 4th

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Thursday, March 10th

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Thursday, March 17th

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Later than March 17th

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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I think rational thought went out the window a long time ago for most of us :icon_rolleyes: I see your point, I can see how as far as the mass consumer base this may be the right business decision, but it has been so so so frustrating and I felt like what little communication we have had sounded very condescending. I'm sure they didn't mean for it to but it did. They could have chosen their words more carefully or (I think) actually told us something, but bickering about it is pointless. We're all on the same team here dancedroid

I just want to ditch this LG Voyager:icon_evil:

Thanks for trying to see this side of it. We as dedicated followers of this phone's release for months have developed a bad case of "tunnel vision" to the point where all we care about is getting more information and ultimately getting our hands on the phone, without taking a step back. Like someone said earlier, the general consumer that will make up 80-90% of the TB sales (rough guess) is in all honesty pretty stupid. They are not forum-frequenters, they don't read the tech blogs every night. If he hears a rumor from someone that a phone had problems in testing, or was delayed for a particular reason, he will likely assume that it will still have those issues once released, without doing much research (if any), and will forgo the purchase in favor of something else. This is exactly what VZW wants to avoid.

I'm in dire need of a new phone too, on my third battery now, touch screen is close to shot, randomly shuts off sometimes, etc. Need to be Thunderstruck ASAP! Come on hookibill and sentrix, be right for today still!
If I read one more person posting how they can't wait a second longer and they are getting a DInc of going to Sprint I think I'll claw my eyes out. :)

I'm thinking of getting a Dinc or looking at sprint sets if this phone doesn't come out by my next time I use the restroom.

Post it on YouTube! ;)
In store Thunderbolt display spotted minutes ago in new jersey Verizon Wireless store

sent from stock dx
Have been staring at the Verizon page and just noticed that it says "Enter your email and know before it hits" I take this to mean the people who signed up to get notified will get notified before everyone else.

Don't hold your breathe. I just got my notification about the xoom.
Reread my last comment and I sounded like a bit of a douche :p Sorry about that. Just getting agitated with the self-entitlement some folks seem to have right now.

just going crazy, its my berfday and i want a new phone :(

Well if it's any consolation, JohnBoy has one in that other thread so at least you know it exists! dancedroid
They are watching this thread and laughing at everyone. Even I'm getting paranoid. It's 11:00 on the West Coast so it's still early.

Like that line from the 60s song For What It's Worth - "Paranoia strikes deep, into your life it will creep..."

Flying back from vegas, and was hoping to see some info on this damn phone! I think I spent 50% of my meeting time reading these posts. Hopefully hear something soon, got 4 hours of flight time ahead of me still.

Sent from my Xoom using DroidForums App
'm going to say it now. An announcement by Verizon is eminent.

1. Of high rank, station, or quality; noteworthy: eminent members of the community.
2. Outstanding, as in character or performance; distinguished: an eminent historian. See Synonyms at noted.
3. Towering or standing out above others; prominent: an eminent peak.

Sorry, I have officially lost it. :wacko:

Bah….I relied too much on the spell check. Imminent.
There's no way a mass email is going to come sooner than when the announcement hits Verizon's wesbite and BGR, Engadget, etc. Those emails are primarily geared toward people who aren't tech savvy (and TB-crazy) enough to follow Thunderbolt news 24/7 like we are.
There's no way a mass email is going to come sooner than when the announcement hits Verizon's wesbite and BGR, Engadget, etc. Those emails are primarily geared toward people who aren't tech savvy (and TB-crazy) enough to follow Thunderbolt news 24/7 like we are.

+1 - I agree 100% :)

I think rational thought went out the window a long time ago for most of us :icon_rolleyes: I see your point, I can see how as far as the mass consumer base this may be the right business decision, but it has been so so so frustrating and I felt like what little communication we have had sounded very condescending. I'm sure they didn't mean for it to but it did. They could have chosen their words more carefully or (I think) actually told us something, but bickering about it is pointless. We're all on the same team here dancedroid

I just want to ditch this LG Voyager:icon_evil:

Thanks for trying to see this side of it. We as dedicated followers of this phone's release for months have developed a bad case of "tunnel vision" to the point where all we care about is getting more information and ultimately getting our hands on the phone, without taking a step back. Like someone said earlier, the general consumer that will make up 80-90% of the TB sales (rough guess) is in all honesty pretty stupid. They are not forum-frequenters, they don't read the tech blogs every night. If he hears a rumor from someone that a phone had problems in testing, or was delayed for a particular reason, he will likely assume that it will still have those issues once released, without doing much research (if any), and will forgo the purchase in favor of something else. This is exactly what VZW wants to avoid.

I'm in dire need of a new phone too, on my third battery now, touch screen is close to shot, randomly shuts off sometimes, etc. Need to be Thunderstruck ASAP! Come on hookibill and sentrix, be right for today still!

Yeah, I realized how few people probably do any research. A couple of my buddies are looking for phones too and I know have done zero research and will not do any just because, like you said, the average consumer doesn't. And I'm also pretty sure that they would believe the first thing they heard, and if they heard it had problems at any point they would avoid it. When I told one of them I was getting the Thunderbolt (almost a month ago) they said "Oh yeah, Ray J has that phone already" I was just like...yeah that'll create some word of mouth. but inside I was just rolling my eyes. People are pretty clueless as a whole.

We're all in this together, lets just hope we hear something soon.
There's no way a mass email is going to come sooner than when the announcement hits Verizon's wesbite and BGR, Engadget, etc. Those emails are primarily geared toward people who aren't tech savvy (and TB-crazy) enough to follow Thunderbolt news 24/7 like we are.

I've got a window open on Thunderbolts page and I'm refreshing regularly. So far it still says striking "soon."
I have the page loaded in the background and all i hear is ...thunder...crackle... thunder... crackle... too bad they arent going to change the sound suddenly and then you hear a roaring fire.

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