I'll just keep using Titanium backup to freeze them for now, easier than going in and renaming.
If theres a chance it would go OTA it seems like 09 would have unless theres a difference with maintenance updates adn full updates ?
I noticed I picked up about 60 free mebs of Ram somehow.. I use to run around 110 and now it's showing 173. I wouldn't think that small change would make a difference.
Anyways, Thanks again. That was an awesome way to spend a midnight session.
I really cant answer that cause i dont really know the proper way to answer that. keep googling. Thats really the best answer i can provide, 09 is much smaller than the previous, i do know that. Im glad i could help. It's 11 here and i have to be up at 330am so i better head off to bed. i am on here 3 to 100 times a day so if you need anything PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know, Have fun. Spyder309