they said dual core phones would be out by the end of last year also, i don't think that they will be out till this time next year if not later cell phone companies are already still working with the dual cores so quad cores won't prob. be starting to make till at least September or October, and there will be delays so look about a year from now to get a quad core
You are probably right. I see some real need and benefit to the dual cores, but I don't see much use for quad cores until the OS catches up to serve as a true PC replacement (just plug into a laptop or tablet dock). And that's the sort of thing that could cause me to switch to WinMo if they had full Office suite functionality.
Of course, for browsing which is the main use for most people, the Atrix is already pretty much there. Bionic with HDMI mirror I think will be about the same.
As far as browsing and video, forget tethering - the killer app would be using bluetooth to control your phone with your PC keyboard/trackpad and getting data piped via HDMI mirror. Knowing that will come (if it's not already out there) is why the carriers will all have to go to limited plans, or start charging quite a bti more than $30 for unlimited.