why would you wanna stay with motorola when they are so committed to keeping their devices locked down?
To be fair most people could care less. This catchphrase that everyone uses here does not apply to the majority of users. Personally I would love to have an unlocked device but that will not be the deciding factor for me moving forward.
Specs first. Settling for subpar equipment because it is easily hackable no longer holds my interest.
Sent from my Droid
Hardware is always going to be limited by the software that runs on it. The Droid X and Droid 2 were an utter disappointment imo. I would take a OG Droid over DX or D2 any day of the week.
Personally I think blur sucks and all the bloatware that is tied into is ridiculous. If you can deal with a stock phone then more power to ya but its not my cup of tea.
I hate the bloatware crap thats why i flashed fission onto my d2g just for the simple fact that all the garbage had been stripped away.