I have to say, far and away the Droid has been my wisest choice ever. I am constantly amazed at what my phone is capable of. This morning, I was doing some stuff, when the girlfriend called, and needed directions to an address that wasn't being shown on her GPS. Instead of going over the the laptop, logging in, and waiting for MapQuest, I put her on speaker, went to Goolge Maps, and got her the information. (I was connected WiFi.) I just love the convenience of having everything I need from recipes to Google Search right there...it has come in handy quite a bit. Being able to customize the phone to suit me is what I love the most. I hope the update includes the 5 screens, because that will help me streamline things more.
Yeah, the camera is kind of disappointing, but then, if I want to take serious photos, I'll get my serious camera.
Flame Moto, Google, and VZW if you want, but I look at it this way: They are putting effort into their products, and making sure that the Droid remains viable for the forseeable future. I don't get all of the moaning. As has been stated here, coming out with an update only a few weeks after getting the source code, is quite an accomplishment. I think it is part of Moto's plans to keep this device updated and running the latest version within the capabilities of it's hardware. Two and a half weeks after the rumored Jan 22nd upgrade date, Moto is going to start rolling out the new version. I wish other companies were quick with their updates.
When I was a 9-1-1 operator, the CAD system we used was in need of some changes to make it more useful. They announced the changes were coming to the program "soon".... six months later, we got them. Having an update ready to go, within a few weeks is a great thing, and it shows a commitment to the product. If all Moto was concerned with was it's "next big thing" it would have left Droid owners just hanging....