I have a feeling that the issue most people have is that when we all bought our phones, we bought them with this "Google Experience" tag, which Moto/Verizon/Google all claimed to mean that as features develop from Google, they would be added to our phones. The issue is NOT really about the 2.1 update, but HOW those three handle this update. We are all nervous that we signed 2 year contracts (most of us) with the expectation that with regular updates our phone would stay competitive for the duration of our contracts. So far they ARE keeping up with that, although I think it's hitting a nerve that they are leaving things out. A few things this time, more and more next time.....at what point are they just throwing us a bone to shut us up, while they quietly leave us behind? The Droid was Verizon's direct Iphone option, however if you bought an Iphone today, it WILL be updated with all the new Iphone features over the next 2 years.......can we say the same for the droid?