New Member
Yeah, I don't think I like my upgrade. I didn't get flash player either. I went to the prerelease website and it just redirects me, syas it's coming soon. Different variation of the same thing I've been seeing for the past year. GRRRRR… Does flash player come already installed on X? Froyo seems so much slower to me, I don't like that I can't kill apps. I found out yesterday that its bad for you phone, but I had comfort in knowing things weren't running when I didn't need them to be. Eh, I'm sure ill get used to it, just really wish I could get Flash.
Everything you talk about has been covered many times in this forum. No, the update does not come with Flash. You shouldn't use a task killer in the first place. If you want flash search the forum it's all over the place. Or just do a google.
Hey Hook, calm down buddy. I know these things have been talked about but I'm not gonna read 108 pages of forums to get answers I need, and guess what, there are gonna be plenty of other people asking the same things I do. I already know you shouldn't run task killer, if you read my post you would have seen that. But Froyo wasn't stopping apps. I tried to download one app yesterday and I got a notification that I was low on memory. Because everything was running! So I re-downloaded TK, it won't close everything but it closes some things and saves me some memory space. I searched the forum and the sites I found for Flash didn't work for my phone IT RE-DIRECTED me. I found another one but I don't know how to remove ".zip" from astro. I'm a novice, which is why I come to this forum. Please don't ruin it for me.