New to the forum, new to smartphones (previously on the VZW freebie phone)
...I'm just doing research so that I know what to expect when I get my phone. I read through this thread and it was helpful to clear up what ROMS and rooting are, but I'm not sure if I'm going to root my phone yet. I want to be able to do wireless tethering, but here is my question: is this the same as the $20/month option that you can get from VZW? If it is, and if it's legal (i'm doubtful of this), I'll just do this and save the money... why not?
Also, I think I'll be happy with the starwars themed stuff, but I could see how it could become annoying to have a clip of 'the best of R2' and that Hoth binocular app permanently taking up space on my phone. With rooting, I would be able to delete extraneous pre=loaded files, right? I'm not a dummy, so I could probably follow the instructions to root the phone... but I don't really know what I'm doing, so I'm leaning towards just leaving it stock. Also, that sucks that it makes noise every time you turn it on... but I don't think that getting rid of that would justify me risking turning my phone into a 'brick'.
1st, just by rooting your phone you have voided Verizon's TOS, so it really doesn't matter. 2nd, mastamind is right, this phone has more than enough memory on it not to worry about a few stock apps. (edited - FYI: The Best Of R2-D2 app is only 80kb and the ESB Binoculars app is only 24kb - certainly not enough to make a difference)
I've rooted my phone and use it only for wireless tethering - works like a champ, but KILLS the battery. You need to have to phone plugged in.
But as I posted before, I don't understand why someone would pay the money to buy a limited edition phone and then install a different ROM to change it all. I still have a hard time understanding that.
The noisy boot-up can be inconvenient. Apparently (and anyone who owns the R2-D2 has had it happen) the phone does reboot itself once in a while. I bought mine the day it cam out - September 30th - and it has happened only twice. But if you are in the middle of a meeting when it happens (like I was the first time), you do get some looks. However, with that being said, I wouldn't change it. About the only thing I did change is I bought the Boot Logo Changer and changed the "M" at the begging of my boot-up to the rebuilt Death Star (I had to design it - wasn't stock with the software).
Enjoy your phone and welcome to the forum.

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