Another ecstatic R2D2 owner/newbie!
Hey everyone!
Just wanted to share my little r2d2 story and join the group....
I used to scoff at the smartphone. This is my first - I was an env touch user (actually liked it quite a bit, was perfect for what I USED to use a phone for). We need more smart people, not phones, I used to say, or what happened to phones that are used to call people?? Well, that all changed when I saw r2d2. And the multimedia docking station, I was sold! Honestly though, I had no idea what I was in for. This thing really has changed my life. I am kind of obsessed with it...:greendroid: It really does DO!!
I'm not even that big of a star wars fan. But the design is so nice, and I love the sounds. I'm just surprised there aren't more users complaining about the bloatware. Yeah I know you all are saying it doesn't take up much space, and to be honest I installed a 16GB card so it isn't the space,. I just hate having all these apps I never use sitting these clogging up the app area. IS there any way to remove them without rooting? I've had the phone for 3 weeks tops and I am pretty proud of the way I am becoming app-savvy, but I do not trust myself to not ruin my precious r2d2 after rooting it somehow. I would love to take advantage of the things you can do once rooting, and overdrive it too (or whatever you experts call it), but yeah, I've got the fear in me for my droid. I want to talk about it though! What apps do you run, what do you use most, etc. I had no idea that apps can take a phone to basically a small handheld, far more than that. My PC can't act as a bubble level, scanner, or half of what my r2d2 can do.
Forget the naysayers, really. As far as I am concerned my droid blows the iphone, which people can't seem to shut up about, out of the water. It is so fast, I multitask alllll the time, no issues really with it, the only thing of course is the battery life.

Anyway I'm in love with my r2d2 and excited to be here and hope to learn more from you all.