the JdlfG kernel work best for me for MIUI. I am running 1200Mhz flawlessly. I tried Slayher's but the Higher kernels Bootloop on me..The lower ones 1100 and lower are fine but higher bootloopedCan we use the Slayher kernels from RM?
Just wanted to chime in on the RM issues. I am having them as well. I tried several things to get it to work. For whatever reason, the only time it worked was when I did a fresh install after wiping and only downloaded the free version of RM AND I had to delete any trace of clockwork on my SD card. What I did was rename my original folder. Unfortunately, that lasted a short while, and as soon as I installed an app from the Market (yes, an app) RM went back to FC any time I chose manage back ups or install from SD card. Other options work fine. If anyone else has more insight, I am willing to try anything.
Just wanted to chime in on the RM issues. I am having them as well. I tried several things to get it to work. For whatever reason, the only time it worked was when I did a fresh install after wiping and only downloaded the free version of RM AND I had to delete any trace of clockwork on my SD card. What I did was rename my original folder. Unfortunately, that lasted a short while, and as soon as I installed an app from the Market (yes, an app) RM went back to FC any time I chose manage back ups or install from SD card. Other options work fine. If anyone else has more insight, I am willing to try anything.
Apparently what works (and this might not be the answer that you want to hear) is buying the premium license for ROM Manager. This stopped force closes for at least two people who had the same problem.
Just wanted to chime in on the RM issues. I am having them as well. I tried several things to get it to work. For whatever reason, the only time it worked was when I did a fresh install after wiping and only downloaded the free version of RM AND I had to delete any trace of clockwork on my SD card. What I did was rename my original folder. Unfortunately, that lasted a short while, and as soon as I installed an app from the Market (yes, an app) RM went back to FC any time I chose manage back ups or install from SD card. Other options work fine. If anyone else has more insight, I am willing to try anything.
Apparently what works (and this might not be the answer that you want to hear) is buying the premium license for ROM Manager. This stopped force closes for at least two people who had the same problem.
Must be why im having no issues at all. I have the premiuim license. Not sure why it would matter, but i havent had a single FC in RM. Havent had one single FC period actually.
the JdlfG kernel work best for me for MIUI. I am running 1200Mhz flawlessly. I tried Slayher's but the Higher kernels Bootloop on me..The lower ones 1100 and lower are fine but higher bootloopedCan we use the Slayher kernels from RM?
When Idle does your Droid run cool at 1200Mhz? I'm looking to run slayher, but I never heard of JdlfG Kernels.
i am using v6.2..i have dl twice, reflashed several times after wiping all several times and for the love of god i can get anything to install from the will download then it will just keep saying installing.....on one othe flashes i was able to at least get titanium to install but it fc on superuser....what is goning head is going to pop off......v5 i didnt have this issue.. im am only running 6.2 with slayer kernel 1.6 800 which i ran on v5 with no problems...i dont have any other apps installed because they wont install...does anyone have any advice, i have been trying to figure this out all day.ugh........
now i cant get anything to install from market and i have a signal....i dont want to give up on this rom but i cant install anything..............