i am using v6.2..i have dl twice, reflashed several times after wiping all several times and for the love of god i can get anything to install from the market...it will download then it will just keep saying installing.....on one othe flashes i was able to at least get titanium to install but it fc on superuser....what is goning on..my head is going to pop off......v5 i didnt have this issue.. im am only running 6.2 with slayer kernel 1.6 800 which i ran on v5 with no problems...i dont have any other apps installed because they wont install...does anyone have any advice, i have been trying to figure this out all day.ugh........
now i cant get anything to install from market and i have a signal....i dont want to give up on this rom but i cant install anything..............
Could this be it?