So is this ROM suppose to be great with battery life? Okay? or not so good?
If you follow the step-by-step instructions given by SenorFusion several pages back I can almost guarantee ridiculous good battery life.
So is this ROM suppose to be great with battery life? Okay? or not so good?
So is this ROM suppose to be great with battery life? Okay? or not so good?
If you follow the step-by-step instructions given by SenorFusion several pages back I can almost guarantee ridiculous good battery life.
So is this ROM suppose to be great with battery life? Okay? or not so good?
If you follow the step-by-step instructions given by SenorFusion several pages back I can almost guarantee ridiculous good battery life.
Do you know which page?
My battery manager doesnt crash, I can view my battery usage details. The custom battery setting is the only thing that crashes, very odd.
So is this ROM suppose to be great with battery life? Okay? or not so good?
So is this ROM suppose to be great with battery life? Okay? or not so good?
After 14 1/2 hours unplugged, about 25 calls, handful of txting and random playing around....Im at 70% battery left. Im also overclocked to 1.45ghz @ medium voltage.
You tell me![]()
So is this ROM suppose to be great with battery life? Okay? or not so good?
After 14 1/2 hours unplugged, about 25 calls, handful of txting and random playing around....Im at 70% battery left. Im also overclocked to 1.45ghz @ medium voltage.
You tell me![]()
I think, however, that if you expect this performance of your phone you are setting yourself up for disappointment. In my last charge where I got 24 full hours, 6 of those hours were spent asleep and data turned off in saver mode. Of the other 18, I made nowhere near 25 calls, sent a gazillion texts, received a gazillion emails (one for each post on this forum lol), played a little Angry Birds, a little WordFeud, watched a little po...err streaming video, and browsed a few webpages. I am not overclocked at all but am running low voltage settings.
After 14 1/2 hours unplugged, about 25 calls, handful of txting and random playing around....Im at 70% battery left. Im also overclocked to 1.45ghz @ medium voltage.
You tell me![]()
I think, however, that if you expect this performance of your phone you are setting yourself up for disappointment. In my last charge where I got 24 full hours, 6 of those hours were spent asleep and data turned off in saver mode. Of the other 18, I made nowhere near 25 calls, sent a gazillion texts, received a gazillion emails (one for each post on this forum lol), played a little Angry Birds, a little WordFeud, watched a little po...err streaming video, and browsed a few webpages. I am not overclocked at all but am running low voltage settings.
Ive been getting this type of battery life for weeks since Ive been running this setup, initially with Focused 1.0
Its all about how you set your phone up, dont run a billion widgets that need updates over data every 15 minutes or are pinging the GPS every few minutes. There are alot of "tweaks" besides just the ROM you run that will greatly improve both performance and battery.
I think, however, that if you expect this performance of your phone you are setting yourself up for disappointment. In my last charge where I got 24 full hours, 6 of those hours were spent asleep and data turned off in saver mode. Of the other 18, I made nowhere near 25 calls, sent a gazillion texts, received a gazillion emails (one for each post on this forum lol), played a little Angry Birds, a little WordFeud, watched a little po...err streaming video, and browsed a few webpages. I am not overclocked at all but am running low voltage settings.
Ive been getting this type of battery life for weeks since Ive been running this setup, initially with Focused 1.0
Its all about how you set your phone up, dont run a billion widgets that need updates over data every 15 minutes or are pinging the GPS every few minutes. There are alot of "tweaks" besides just the ROM you run that will greatly improve both performance and battery.
Your battery performance is well outside the norm though. People shouldn't expect to get what you get. I've got my phone pretty well optimized and have never seen the kind of battery life you get. Most people don't, in fact. You have the rare super X. The fact that you are able to overclock it to 1.45 GHz is proof of that. Mine can't be overclocked past 1.15 GHz. Your phone is just different than most. Should someone on rubiX Focused 1.8.6 expect to be able to use their phone for an entire waking day without worrying about battery life? Sure, why not. The way I figure it is: do I really need my battery to last longer than I'm awake? Charge it every night and you should be fine every day. I would be interested, cpjr, in knowing exactly what kind of setup you are running.
Edit: It also depends on how much of each day you spend connected to wifi versus 3g versus 1x...
Ive been getting this type of battery life for weeks since Ive been running this setup, initially with Focused 1.0
Its all about how you set your phone up, dont run a billion widgets that need updates over data every 15 minutes or are pinging the GPS every few minutes. There are alot of "tweaks" besides just the ROM you run that will greatly improve both performance and battery.
Your battery performance is well outside the norm though. People shouldn't expect to get what you get. I've got my phone pretty well optimized and have never seen the kind of battery life you get. Most people don't, in fact. You have the rare super X. The fact that you are able to overclock it to 1.45 GHz is proof of that. Mine can't be overclocked past 1.15 GHz. Your phone is just different than most. Should someone on rubiX Focused 1.8.6 expect to be able to use their phone for an entire waking day without worrying about battery life? Sure, why not. The way I figure it is: do I really need my battery to last longer than I'm awake? Charge it every night and you should be fine every day. I would be interested, cpjr, in knowing exactly what kind of setup you are running.
Edit: It also depends on how much of each day you spend connected to wifi versus 3g versus 1x...
Yeah I charge every night while Im sleeping. I also keep WIFI off all the time, unless a rare occasion pops up to use it. I live in the Atlanta area and run 2 companies, with that do a decent bit of traveling around and outside the metro area.....3G service is pretty good most everywhere I go.
Obviously I use Focused 1.8.6, I run autostarts to disable alot of things starting up on boot, there are ALOT of background processes that arent necessary (or not necessary for me anyways) and I do have 5 or 6 widgets that need data to update, but each are set to every 3 hours.
Also, I use (as I'd imagine alot do) Gmail which is Push, I do alot with email but the app isnt having to ping the server for new mail.
I keep GPS off and use Tasker to auto turn it on if I open certain apps (like maps) that will need it and then back off when Im done.
I do agree I have a very well running X from the factory as it will run all day long @ 1.45ghz with no issues. I remember when I had the D1 I couldnt for the life of me get past 1.0ghz when alot were getting almost 1.3ghz maybe its payback
Umm, probably more to it but nothing comes to mind at the moment.
PS- This is an example of 1 day, there are days where I am able to drain the battery in 12 hours and Ive gotten about a full day+ also.....but usage is very to judge between devices/users so its not really important. What is important, when it comes down to it....does the phone last long enough to work for you...the user.
I've been attempting to fix 3g mobile hotspot. First error I found was that all 3 png's within /res/drawable/ are unsigned. However, this doesn't seem to be the problem. The phone refuses to see Mynet.apk when its within /system/app. Meaning you can see it within root explorer or astro, but if you adb shell and then ls /system/app it won't be on the list at all.... I've replicated this problem with the Fission Mynet.apk which is signed for fission as well, and even tried installing TBH tethering patch even though I think it's just a functional patch. No luck so far, giving up for now.
I'm not sure if this has been reported or if I'm in the right place but my screen has been randomly turning on in my pocket or while I'm talking. It wont go back off unless I do it manually. This means I'll have to notice it. Needless to say, its been a major battery drain. Ideas?
Only other complaint I have is the keyboard. Other than that, I love the rom. It's awesome.
Have not seen this.
Have you made any other mods? Theme? ??
Try loading Focused again, don't wipe cache/data, see if you can recreate this after...