nothing but problems with this release went back to 12.3.2 or whatever number it is...and yes I realized that today is the 13th so who knows what their numbering scheme makes no sense.....and why all of the problems with the market ?? this release needs tons of work....I can't figure out why you guys would release something that obviously needs work, we usually get great roms here....what's up and what exactly has changed, so far no time, sleep then release, we can wait and you would save us alot of confusion...please don't come at me saying that I don't respect the dev and blah blah blah...its free, I'm here to tell you that I respect all devs and they have my full support....but I do think they have the right to hear from a dissatisfied user....and no I'm not a noob, I've been doing this for a long time.
I guess what I'm trying to understand here is....why should I have to go back and use root explorer to delete gmail and then reboot and then reinstall just to get the current gmail app that came out last week......then I have to go back and re-download all of my apps because for some reason they don't get restored with this release......I know, I know.....did you back up your apps....all of the other roms that I flashed restored my apps so this isn't a valid response and it seems like laziness on the devs part. Why should I flash a rom that I have to spend another hour getting my phone straightened out ?
I won't.
Please don't take this the wrong way. I just wanted to let you guys know what an average end user thinks....take it for what you will.