Honestly all I want with 2.1 that I don't have through APK's are animated wallpapers and 5 screens.
I just think for my purposes waiting for 2.1 to be installed and then overclocking seems wiser. I will have everything on the phone I want (dont care about multi-touch) - and I don't boot the phone often enough to even care about boot animations.
If I wait for 2.1 (hopefully not much longer) I'll be able to ramp it up to 800 right after that and have everything I really want all at once.
I'm incredibly impressed with what some of you have made your screens look like with the transparent icons and I'm sorely tempted to restore that one that was posted but I just don't know...
Why not wait for 2.1 which will be out sometime this year and get animated wallpapers and all the official 2.1 apps and then overclock the Droid.
Seems a smarter way to go... am I missing anything?
But, why wait? There is no reason to. I don't see any real danger, and the things I've gained through root/hacking the phone are awesome. The transparent window pane, different boot modification and the overclock are all great (the overclock being by far the best one).
Why wait?
um... well. all the apks you have ARE 2.1... the only thing not included is animated wallpapers (which i read you CAN do on 2.0.1) and 5 screens. so no. really you do want 2.1
there is nothing else 2.1 gives other than your apks and the two i mentioned. so your statement is void