It may have been in a Rom but new updates did not fix the rotation lag and why would anyone want. Phone they have wait for the screen to rotate when you rotate the phone? That's just crazy we rotate for a reason not to sit and wait. Let's also not forget the lag in typing. It may be ok for someone who types slow but you have type real slow for it keep up. I normally can type in about 90 words a min and my Rezound keeps up letter for letter.
sent from my Rezound using Tapatalk
I hear ya. I've been keeping up with the Rezound too. That also is a nice phone. There are some very nice phones on Verizon, to basically fit almost anyone's needs. I see post about the RAZR being very fragile...doesnt really bother me. It may be, who knows. I haven't found out yet. I see post about the RAZR being laggy, rebooting. I know from using it it isnt that extreme, had 1 time I had to hard reset it, had the RAZR since 11-11. Will know more about lag vs another phone if I can ever get the G Nex delivery...missed it today. lol.
Point I'm getting at is everyone doesnt have to love the phone you love. Some ppl just might not like it, for whatever reason, even after trying it. Maybe they see something you dont. Maybe they see things different than you. Doesnt make your phone choice bad. Doesnt make their choice better. Everyone made their choice for a reason....thats all that matters.....