When I load the Alternate Battery For Revolution from Rom manager and apply it, it works, but it changes all the menus when I push the menu button, back to the original white, vice the black. Hope that makes sense. I cannot find a battery icon with a 10% scaling I like. They all go by 20% wth is that? It looks like the alternate battery goes by 20% but the Gingerbread Theme, or which ever theme that has the dark menus is very nice.
I dont see why changing the battery icon also changes the menu colors. Would be nice to keep the dark menus and the alternate battery. Really I just need a battery icon that goes by 10%
the battery icons are part of the framework apk. unfortunately, the only way to change something inside the framework resources apk is to change out the entire framework resources apk for one that has the change you want. the unfortunate side affect is that the new one might come with other changes as well.
if you find 10% battery icons you like, let me know and I'll build a custom framework for you that will include the black menu