So far this is a very smooth ROM, the problems I'm having are 1st I cannot boot into clockwork recovery I've attempted to fix permissions. 2nd I deleted your included WiFi tether and installed the newest one but its not starting tether. Also koush's bootstrap won't boot into recovery. This is important to me because I cannot create a nandroid backup at this time. Will you be releasing a hotfix sometime in the near future
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Sorry but it looks like the bootstrap problems are on your end. I installed this rom over a fresh .34 OTA, and have had no problems with getting into clockwork recovery. Wireless tether works as well.
Both of these require superuser access. One thing I can say is that you might not have the latest superuser binaries installed. Go to your appdrawer and look for superuser and open it, it should automatically make sure the binaries are up to date. Reboot your phone and try again. Both wireless tether and clockwork mod should have asked for superuser permissions the first time you opened them. If they didn't, that's your problem. Also try going into terminal emulator and typing su, and making sure it doesn't give you an error.
I never had any issues gaining SU permissions as I was able to use the TE and Fab's custom script to delete the wireless tether version that was included in the rom and install the newest version that was available for download. Also my SU version is 2.3.6 database version 5.
I was able to get Koush's Bootstrap working correctly after deleting the SD card clockwork mod folder and the app, reloading it and then loading the boots for the droid 2, then the milestone, then the droid X in that order. Never had to do that before but hey at least I was able to boot into recovery and make a nandroid.
Clockwork still doesn't work correctly but as long as I have one way to get into recovery then im ok with that.
BTW I also installed this ROM over a fresh OTA after using the 2.3.15 SBF to return to stock i never installed the leak so I was coming directly from .15 to .40