First, I haven't posted much here, but read it a lot. I hope I haven't overlooked this in an earlier post.....
Coming from Liberty 1.5 (which I loved) to this ROM (which I love.) Both sets of developers are doing awesome work!!
I am noticing some lockups and restarts of Launcher Pro (paid version) when I long click to add a widget, etc. Happens occasionally. Don't know if it is Launcher Pro or the ROM. Otherwise, seems very nice and fast. Don't see a need to over clock yet. Wondering if setcpu could be used on this ROM as it comes.
Also, can anyone tell me if this (VRZ_MB810_2.3.32_1FF_01.sbf) is the correct sbf file to use if one wanted to go back to stock, and would that be .320 (because of the .32 in the filename...) or is it 340? Thanks a lot.