I can't wait to really get this ROM going -- Liberty is the reason I took the plunge to root and flash in the first place, and it's the first ROM I've installed.
Now this may have been answered, and I did search for it, but for some reason, my data connectivity is switched off, and I can't seem to get it back on. I know others have seen this, but I haven't seen a solution yet. Here are my specs, if it helps:
System version: 4.5.596.MB810.Verizon.en.US
Model number: DROIDX
Android version: 2.3.3
Kernel version: #1
Liberty version: Liberty GB v0.8
ERI version: 1357
PRL version: 52363
And here're the steps I took to get where I am now:
1. Flash back to stock 2.3.340
2. Root 2.3.340
3. DL rooted Gingerbread
4. Use DX Bootstrap to boot to recovery, install rooted Gingerbread
5. DL Liberty GB (from OP in this thread)
6. Use D2 Bootstrap to boot to recovery
7. Data wipe
8. Install Liberty GB
9. Log into phone, no data connection.
TL;DR: I have no data connection with Liberty GB at the moment, and I need some help...
EDIT: Looking at some signatures, I see people running Liberty v0.9. Did I miss something in the OP for a patch?