I tried that but then I installed the watermarks theme again before I tried it so could it be a problem with that theme?
I'm just asking, I am a NOOB on Android OS. But I was wondering if the no text issue on pull down could be because of a SBF flash. The reason for my theory is because I was running the 3.20 LEAK and flashed to 3.40 SBF, and the text disappeared after flashing from 3.15. I Don't Know much about SBF SO DONT JUDGE ME ON IT. BUT I flashed Liberty 1.0 on a shipped 3.40 Droid X for Verizon and was purchased on January 2011 and the text stayed the same. I just recently flashed Liberty 1.5 and text stuck. So my question is could this be a SBF problem. Be easy so dont be to mean. Also my phone I have is the Droid X and I purchased it with 3.15. And I have no text not even Verizon but had text before flash get it. And I have flashed multiple ROMS FROM EVERY DEVELOPER EXCEPT UD. SO I DON'T THINK IT WOULD BE A THEME OR LIBERTY'S PROBLEM. JUST ASKING TO TRY TO FIGURE IT OUT AND HELP THE COMMUNITY. THANKS FOR EVERYONES SUPPORT AND KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK TO ALL DEVELOPERS OUT THERE.
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
Hmm, check in the theme, if either of the following files exist, then yes, that could be causing the problem:
Both of those files either need to be replaced (correctly).. or completely left alone. If the theme doesn't do anything to them.. then my best guess is the script. I'm sure JRummy will look at it.
To anyone else having the issue.. the contents of those two files could def. help us understand exactly what's going on!
Powered by Otechmobile Droid X! Liberated for the 2nd time. Liberty ROM 1.5