[HACKS] Root Droid 1 - regardless of OS version

Okay, what do I do?

Thanks for this incredible "How-To"... I'm sure once I get it figured out, things will go a lot smoother...

Okay, I'm on step 7 of the Detailed Instructions... I've got RSD Lite open as Administrator, the grid is up, but it's saying the only "Model" in the grid is "SE Flash OMAP3430 MI" ... is this my phone? I mean, technically it could be but it doesn't specifically say anything in the window about Motorola, A855, etc, etc. It's probably a real obvious "Yes" but I've gone back and reread your instructions and made sure I've got all the drivers and links downloaded and made sure I copied the correct files to my phones SD card, extracted what I needed to extract and not extracted the files that you said to leave alone; I've gone into the "Config" menu in RSD Lite and changed the DeviceID Options to "first come first served" and I have restarted RSD Lite, restarted my computer... the whole nine...

Is this a really obvious answer? :) I don't want to proceed and realllly screw things up. :blink:

Help! Thanks :)
Holy CRAP!! *I* rooted my phone!! :icon_ lala: I was seriously a nervous nellie about this for a looooong time and I finally did it!! Thank you MotoCache1 for this wonderful write-up - I probably wouldn't have tried this otherwise... and thanks to guidot for helping me over my hiccup question :) Welp, here's to being voided! LOL

Now, onwards to ROMs.. whew! Glad THAT'S over with. Thank you again!! :hail:

If you want to get started with that I have you covered in link #2 in my signature! Respond in that thread if you need help.
If you want to get started with that I have you covered in link #2 in my signature! Respond in that thread if you need help.

I am SO all over that as we speak... you must have known I was sitting here, reading through ROM threads, wondering where to start on it... THANK YOU!!
ahhh, i remember when i rooted and flashed my first ROM...

how I was just as excited...seems so very long ago :biggrin:

QUESTION: Can i replace the SPR with RZR.img file and not run into problems when setting up my recovery?

I am SO all over that as we speak... you must have known I was sitting here, reading through ROM threads, wondering where to start on it... THANK YOU!!
QUESTION: Can i replace the SPR with RZR.img file and not run into problems when setting up my recovery?

I didnt use the .img file, I used the sbf. But yes, you can use RZR instead of SPR. Especially if that's what you've been using.
Result: Fail

I seem to have run into an issue that isn't listed in the FEI... When I tried to load the .sbf file, RSD Lite gave me an instant failure. I have a 64-bit Vista machine and loaded the appropriate drivers, the phone boots into bootloader fine and shows that it is connected via USB, RSD Lite shows the phone in the grid and lets me browse to the file, but as soon as I click Start it fails. The Result column shows Fail, and the Status column shows "Failed flashing process. Failed flashing process. (0x7100) phone connected". I'm running Android version 2.2.2, build number FRG83G. I hope this is enough information for someone to help me out with this - I'd love to get some of those apps I don't use off my phone!
Thank you!!
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I seem to have run into an issue that isn't listed in the FEI... When I tried to load the .sbf file, RSD Lite gave me an instant failure. I have a 64-bit Vista machine and loaded the appropriate drivers, the phone boots into bootloader fine and shows that it is connected via USB, RSD Lite shows the phone in the grid and lets me browse to the file, but as soon as I click Start it fails. The Result column shows Fail, and the Status column shows "Failed flashing process. Failed flashing process. (0x7100) phone connected". I'm running Android version 2.2.2, build number FRG83G. I hope this is enough information for someone to help me out with this - I'd love to get some of those apps I don't use off my phone!
Thank you!!

Let me find the answer for you! I'll be right back.
If you get "Failed Flashing process. (0x7100)" in RSD Lite - Android Forumshis is what you need to do. I'm going to post the link in the OP.
If you get "Failed Flashing process. (0x7100)" in RSD Lite - Android Forumshis is what you need to do. I'm going to post the link in the OP.
That process was not the most enjoyable in the world, but it got the job done! Thank you so much! Tonight I will make up for last night's lack of sleep, reveling in the glory of my rooted Droid; tomorrow I will figure out just exactly what "rooted" will come to mean for me.
Thanks again, to you and to MotoCache1 for this awesome thread and all the troubleshooting help to make it work! :hail:
Glad you are up and running! See the second link in my signature to learn about flashing a ROM. ;)