Well back to battery issues for me. Went to bed with 50% battery and woke up late because when your phone is dead the alarm can't go off. When I got it to boot it still had the battery manager history for the last 9 hours loaded. 34% cell standby, 32% bluetooth, 30% phone idle & 4% display. I took my phone off the charger before bed to test this out.
I had this same issue with 1.0. The cell standby is a glitch & a battery drain. I have my phone set on custom saver with off peak at 10:30pm to 6:45am. Actual phone operation during that time drains the battery more than saving it.
Back to .5, which I have better battery life on, unless you have a fix.
i agree with this....5 worked soooo perfect for me..then i started to notice the bettery problems with 1.0 and now again with 1.6..it just doesnt seem to be lasting like it used to...and yes i wiped date and cache...actually i started over and reinstalled the 2.3.15 leak then wiped again and went right to 1.6...i wonder what could be causing this