Same thing here. Is that normal?
Other than that, so far so good. Thanks Drod
Sorry I want to bump this one more time.
Is it possible the install did not take? I want to know before I install Black Juice again.
It will report in about phone as 1.8.6. If you are unsure which version you have, you should be able to tell by the new transition animations. If you still can't tell, open a terminal and type:
cat /proc/sys/vm/dirty_ratio
If it comes back as 95, then you've got 1.8.9 loaded.
This was my answer to the question somewhere in the first 10 pages on how to check if you have 1.8.9 vs 1.8.6 and that it showing as 1.8.6 was normal.
I read probably 10 of the twenty pages and I saw it mentioned but never addressed as whether that was acceptable or not
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
Like I said, I didn't give you a hard time about it because it had been several pages since it was last mentioned. My issue was it being asked again right after you asked it.