OK re quadrant scores, and i'm not trying to start anything here, just a perspective. If i'm off base or not understanding something correctly let me know.
I think they are relevant regardless of what the numbers are if you are comparing them against other DXs running the same Rom and version. If you are comparing those quadrant scores against other phones running stock builds then they'll be skewed and not an accurate representation of your phone's performance.
We are all here because we like pushing the envelope when it comes to getting our phones to perform as best they can. Quadrant or Linpack numbers are just tools to help gather those metrics. The numbers are only as good as how they are interpreted.
I'm assuming Drod said the quadrant scores would be off because he wanted to avoid folks using the scores as justification for "poor performance". Drod, if that's not the case please correct me. This is the fast rubix build I have seen regardless of what those numbers say. That is really all that matters at the end of the day.
anyway, my two cents.
Have said this before, but not going to find my own post(s) about it...

Quadrant, and linpack are benchmarking apps. Regardless how/what devices you're comparing.. in my opinion, what makes them relevant or not, is specifically WHAT they test for. Example:
Quadrant measures CPU, memory, graphics rendering, etc.
So... if you're going to spend most of the time on your phone calculating pi, or compiling software... or playing super graphics intensive high end games and stuff.. I believe it's a really good measure of how your phone stacks up.
How many people really care about a tiny tiny performance gain in a game.. if it runs fine without that performance tweak?
Now, on the other hand.. quadrant does NOT measure time it takes when switching apps, or time it takes apps to load, screens to transition, etc... which is something I think is VERY important.
The changes drod made.. improve performance and usability of the phone, but lower how your phone performs with heavy computational or high end 2D/3D grapics rendering... without hurting them to the point of making anything unusable... that in my opinion is way better than having a phone that is slow as hell, but having a high epeen number to see who's is bigger..

Sorry for the rant.. but while everyone gets that quadrant is benchmarking the "performance" on their phone.. few people seem to grasp what exactly it means.. what the benchmark really is measuring... to actually look beyond the number.
Just me.. bleh.
Either way... Focused is well done... It's fast as hell.
The benchmark that I use.. to set my phone next to my wife's stock OTA, and see hers take full seconds longer than my phone to complete simple tasks.. THAT is a good benchmark for comparing.. and I'll take that over quadrant any day.