Im having no issues on the leak with any of my apps from the market. Phone is all stock 2.3.320 leak now waiting on Rubix update and its great. Whatever radio changes they made have drastically improved my reception. Battery life is great and not that it matters but stock voltage is scoring 1300+ on that benchmark app. Been very pleased with the leak and if you follow the directions to the letter its literally 4 steps and takes five minutes. It was my first leak and I managed so anyone can. Been off charger for 6 hours of almost continuous screen on use and I'm at 80% still. It did drop to 90% within the first hour but had held on since very well. I recommend the leak to anyone that likes to tinker.
This is great information to hear! I still don't think applying the leak without a way back is for me just yet, but good to know that when that way back is available, it'll be worth doing.
Lol you guys are making me vacillate between updating and not updating lol. @Inkarnit what would be a reason to go back if you update. Just curious and trying to think about worst case scenarios.
I think the main thing that is bugging me is that droid x oc isn't following my profiles. It'll follow it for a bit, but then somehow it goes back to the highest setting.
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