its official my phone hates gb... 8-28 cm7 worked good for the day, i wiped cache and dvalik cache and installed updated 8-29 and now it will load then reboot itself.. sick of wiping data and restoring everything
its official my phone hates gb... 8-28 cm7 worked good for the day, i wiped cache and dvalik cache and installed updated 8-29 and now it will load then reboot itself.. sick of wiping data and restoring everything
Problem solved!!! I called Verizon customer service again and they walked me thru manual activation. No problem at all! When I called earlier the rep told me there was absolutely no way to activate my phone?!?!? Said he spoke to his supervisor and a tech rep and that my only option was to mail my phone back to my home and have somebody activate it for me. Unbelievable! Just goes to show how poor customer service can be!!!
1. Download the following file and place on the root of your sdcard.
File size = 268.6 MB (281634600 bytes)
md5sum = fa4466301e067e813162e6960c1d4da4
Direct Download
Rooted Droid 2 - Mirror 1
Rooted Droid 2 - Mirror 2
Rooted Droid 2 - Mirror 3
Rooted Droid 2 - Mirror 4
2. Put phone into bootstrap recovery
3. Install the file you downloaded above
4. Sit back and watch (Your phone will bootloop for approx 30 secs, if any longer than that, pull battery and restart your phone.
You should now have gingerbread and it should be rooted.
Alright, just to confirm. I am running the Build 58 from CyanogenMod Mirror Network - Powered by TDRevolution. This is Froyo-based, right? If that's the case, if I am following the OP correctly I should only take the second set of directions from Droid 2 Gingerbread (2.3.3) - Release - PreRooted reading:
Then, I can install the latest nightly from [/COLOR]
Correctomundo? I think all the issues I had before were stemmed from following all of the directions on the mydroidworld link, which is what screwed me in the first place.
I can't figure out how to change my email notification sound. I use to be able to go in settings in the gmail app but its not there with this build
Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums
Waaaaaawhooooooooooooo!!!!!!!! I actually helped someone!
Yep yep...while your at it you should flash the Jakebitesmod with it!![]()
Yep everything is working now. I flashed the ROM, Google apps, and jakebitesmod Thanks for the help.
Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums
Gingerbread has an updated radio (.10p) and obviously different kernel, the new radio is most likely to be at the root of your improvements.
What do you mean by "manual activation?"
After getting the stock rooted GB rom installed, boot up, use D2 Bootstrapper to get back into recovery, and then apply the CM7GB ROM.
Don't use D2 Bootstrapper after installing CM7GB, of course.