Alright, i SBF'd back to froyo and then updated(which updated my base band! woot! was stuck at 10p now im at 13p) and then root the ota, then flash cm7 vr9/2/2011. Everything is great now.
Now....before i did this and just flashed the cm7 update from cm7 vr8/28. It ran SUPER slow!
yesterday i seen people say you needed to sbf to froyo and update and then root and then it ran great(why isnt this in the instructions for cm7!!??). So I did this and the speed of the rom is much much much improved.
Redflea, could you please put in the OP to do this. I havent read anywhere to do this(sbf,update,root, then flash), including rootzwiki. So when i read to do this yesterday, i thought it was unnecessary due to it not being posted in the OP or rootzwiki. BUT, it is truely necessary. I tried everything beside this at the start to get it to work!! then i tried every other GB rom cause i was getting P/O'ed with CM7...then i got P/O'ed with everything i finally gave in and took an hour and did everything
When going from build 8/28 to 9/2 you need to sbf to froyo, update to the ota, root, THEN flash cm7. If you do not cm7 will run slow as....a sloth/snail....a snoth(got that from a comcast commercial

ok? ok! dancedroid