I thought you had a date? Your not in the men's room checking the forums are you?!
Posted from my D2 with CM7GB
You guys play guitar?
Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums
Idopa does...I myself do along with a few other instruments..mainly my strong point is percussion...but picked up over the years on many others and guitar being one..fun to play and can carry it all over lol..I taught my sone a couple years back and now he's way more advanced than me, with all those arpegios and scales..lord he's awesome...lol
My D2 is miles ahead of me running Cm7GB(OTAkernel)
"If you're coming from rooted gb (ota), use d2 bootstrap to boot into cw and wipe data, cache and dalvik. Mount system and install cm7 9-3, then gapps. Reboot"
I have a Droid 2 (A955) that I SBF'd with RSDLite 4.9 to stock Froyo and then updated to Gingerbread OTA from Verizon.
Goal: To have a rooted Gingerbread OTA running CyanogenMod. I really need it to be stable and all the essentials working, though.(wifi, etc.)
1. Is CM stable enough to rely on? (I rely on my phone and can't be having lockups or reboots, etc)
2. I see references to the CM releases and Rev's CM releases. Which do I choose and why?
3. Last year I rooted Froyo and installed Squidly, then left it alone and was happy. I have familiarity with some of this basic stuff, but I am not in "the know" with all the roms and terms I may need to know for what I want to do. For example, what is "gapps" and "Jakes"?
I've been reading. I plan to use Pete's D3 one click to root. From there, I need some pretty clear, specific instructions if someone is willing. I came across the following post by ldopa:
...but it's not near specific enough for my knowledge level. I assume D2 bootstrap is the same app as Droid 2 Bootstrapper I had installed in Froyo? Can anyone lay out the specific steps for me a little more clearly, beginning with backing up my system so I can return to it if ever necessary?
Alright...so i was sbfing back to froyo like y'all said to, but my battery died during it and now when i go into boot loader it says "code corrupt" "battery low" "can't program"
did i finally get a shiny brick? i have it plugged in and the light on the side is on, but i have no way of checking if its actually charging.
I have a Droid 2 (A955) that I SBF'd with RSDLite 4.9 to stock Froyo and then updated to Gingerbread OTA from Verizon.
Goal: To have a rooted Gingerbread OTA running CyanogenMod. I really need it to be stable and all the essentials working, though.(wifi, etc.)
1. Is CM stable enough to rely on? (I rely on my phone and can't be having lockups or reboots, etc)
2. I see references to the CM releases and Rev's CM releases. Which do I choose and why?
3. Last year I rooted Froyo and installed Squidly, then left it alone and was happy. I have familiarity with some of this basic stuff, but I am not in "the know" with all the roms and terms I may need to know for what I want to do. For example, what is "gapps" and "Jakes"?
I've been reading. I plan to use Pete's D3 one click to root. From there, I need some pretty clear, specific instructions if someone is willing. I came across the following post by ldopa:
...but it's not near specific enough for my knowledge level. I assume D2 bootstrap is the same app as Droid 2 Bootstrapper I had installed in Froyo? Can anyone lay out the specific steps for me a little more clearly, beginning with backing up my system so I can return to it if ever necessary?
1. Quite a bit more stable and less battery-straining than any Froyo I've used.
2. http://synik4l.net/phcdownload/download.php?id=30 9/2 nightly is the latest and best, contains all the bugfixes.
3. GAPPS = google apps. Market, gmail, facebook, etc. Jakesmod is for things like overclocking. It's a nice tool to have if you don't mind mucking around a terminal emulator for a couple minutes.
As far as your plans, yes use the D3 one click root. So now you have OTA rooted GB. Use Droid 2 Bootstrapper, backup and reboot in recovery. Select "wipe data/factory reset", "wipe cache partition" and then go to "advanced" and select "wipe dalvik". Go back to the main menu and select "install zip from sd card" choose the cm7 zip, run it. When that finishes, install gapps and if you want, jakes. Reboot. Done.
Gapps is found here: goo-inside.me - gapps downloads
CM7 just keeps getting better and better. Can we say RIP to CM7 for Froyo for good?
Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums
That's awesome! Where did he learn all of the scales and things from?
Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums
I taught him what I know...then he got to listening to some of my dream theater and got to watching, he's all over the place now with the thing,lol everyone wants him to jam in their band...lol I'm proud of him..just making sure he doesn't take some of the roads I took.. He and I record often and lately he's taking off with that too! Proud...I am very Proud! Now I'm trying to get him to root his incredible and show him cm7 but he's really not in to all this! Lol
My D2 is miles ahead of me running Cm7GB(OTAkernel)