Lol, im not worried, but this massive double posting has added a who 270 something posts to my post count. Haha naturally im cool with it. But i know you probably know that already from your supermod hat so i bet your prolly just going to delete this bad thread ehh? Haha its a conpiracy, your tricking me :biggrin: im on to you :tongue:
Lol, yeah, but i think i would like green monkeys too. It would sit on my shoulder and i would call it grinchy. I shall pet it and he will be all mine. :icon_ goofy:
Yeah, I'm ok with it as well. Except it didn't double the likes. So my post/like ratio decreased.:angry:
I'm sure that's big on most of your minds as well.
And your point? I think this was verified about 70 pages ago. For most of us. Trying to beat the Dinc record. :biggrin: