I can only say that the 14 days that I ran the charge I didn't have any issues with freezing apps. I am not sure why other like the screen so much but for me it was just the how they enhanced the colors that really stood out. Now saying that, I don't have any real qualms with the bionic screen resolution. It still looks go and is pretty smooth when playing video, but so was the charges with just deeper color contrast. I will call VZ tech support to see if they can shed any light on why the apps are freezing... and when I say freezing I mean stop working all together. I reset the phone last night before I went to bed and we'll see how it does today. I will say it seems like I get better download speeds. The quickest download that speedtest reported was 48 MB and with the Bionic I get over 50MB almost every time. I hear that the battery live will improve over the next few days, so I will report back on that. I did read somewhere that the charge's screen takes less power for some reason which may play a factor into quick battery life usage. Ohhh, and maybe I am reading this wrong but I thought that the bionic was suppose to have 16GB of internal memory and 16 SD card? When I check mine it has the 16 for the SD card but the phone OS only reports 8 GB for internal?
I don't know. I've had the Charge for 3 months now, and it was the longest 3 months of my life. I couldn't stand that phone. I had a Blackberry Storm 1, and the Charge froze more than the Storm and I had to perform more battery pulls than the Storm.
As for the Screen, I've always felt that the Charge's Sharpness was too high. That's why the really bright colors, bleed. If you've ever tuned a TV, you'll know what I'm talking about. The manufacturer turns the brightness, contrast, and sharpness way up to try and stand out from the other manufacturers. That's great in the showroom, but not great for oeverall viewing. For proper settings, certain colors should not "pop" out at you. They should all blend together to provide a nice crisp clear picture.
The Charge's colors seemed to "pop" on the reds and blues and take over the screen. They look great, until you really start watching a movie, or reading a thread on DroidForums. lol Then the bright colors take over. The Bionic's colors do not "pop". They blend giving the user a smooth look. By the way, that's how it's supposed to look. If you like the pop, then you will not like the Bionic and the Charge will look much better. If you like everything to be at one level, then you'll love the Bionic and it's simplistic nature.
As for apps locking up, here's my Charge VS Bionic experience so far. (I understand that I've only had the Bionic for one day. Maybe it will go bad, but so far, it has not.)
Switching from Contacts to home - Charge 2 seconds. Bionic 1/2 second if that.
Bringing up email program - Charge 2 seconds. Bionic 1 second.
Angry Birds - No problems with either phone.
Plants Vs Zombies - CHarge locks up completely after 2 levels. Must pull battery and then it locks on the reboot so that I have to pull the battery one more time to make it boot. Both levels are gone like I never played them. Bionic, no problems. Runs flawlessly.
Spades - The developer added full screen ads that locked up my Charge so that I had to but the back button a few times, exit out fo the program, go back in twice before I could play. Bionic? No problems. Runs flawlessly.
3G/4G - Charge dropped the 4G signal constantly. Even though I had full signal strength in a 4G area, I'd loose the 4G completely and switch to 3G. Then I'd usually loose the 3G and data network all together. One the positive side, though, the phone would still work. I returned the first Charge I bought because of this, and the refurb that they sent did the same exact thing. Bionic? Haven't dropped the data signal yet, but haven't spent a lot fo time in the 4G area yet, so it's still to be determined. I'll find out when I got to work tonight.
After Running All Apps - Charge would give a blank screen for 1 minute before it was usable again. My assumption was that it was attempting to recover it's RAM. I don't know this to be a fact, though. Just guessing. Bionic? Close the program, and it's ready for something else right away. No lag.
So, those are my experiences, and thoughts on the screens and apps. I've had many many people tell me that the Charge is the most beautiful screen they've ever seen. Not in my opinion, but that's just mine. The lag was the worst.