The "Official" lets wait for FedEx to deliver our Bionic's thread!!!

good luck Bear! got my fingers crossed for you!!

Thank you for the thoughts. I may need all the help I can get. I just checked again, and it is one town closer. Not trying to jinx myself but I half though of hanging a welcome fed-x sign at the gate with an arrow pointing in the direction of my house. Never had fed-X here before, and when I used to get them at my office in town I ALWAYS got guff from the driver about how he could never find any addresses in this town. Par for the course here, especially if he is using Google Navigation:blink:. He could end up in Southern Colorado.

sounds like you're in the middle of nowhere with one of those longass driveways.
the sign might not be as silly of an idea as it sounds at first.

if they're not familiar with your house you might just want to do that.. make it BIG and VISIBLE tho.

Nowhere, yes. Long driveway no. But there are two houses, so folks get confused. The real problem is that if the driver is coming up from "the big town" as opposed to switching the packages to the more local guys truck, they may not even be able to find my main road. Seriously. Whenever I need a good chuckle, I just tell my phone to nav me somewhere. Heck, my phone cannot even find walmart, our one and only "real" store. I am sure when the google nav mappers came through, they were humming the theme to the twilight zone.......while thumbing through their english-spanish dictonary.

Still not here and it was on vehicle for delivery since 8:10. They have to deliver by 3! what is the driver doing?!?
i had to order mine through telesales, i asked for free overnight shipping and the rep said no problem. also because they are offering the $100 gift card online i asked if i could have that because i HAD to order it over the phone because of a screw up they did to my account a month ago, htey said they couldnt but they gave me a $100 credit instead so even better! my bionic will be $199 with free overnight shipping and it is currently out for derivery! hopefully it will show up soon.
Well its going to be Monday for me, got my order in yesterday afternoon and the lady said if it processed before 6pm it would be here today but it was 5:15 at the time so she was not confident it would. I asked her if she had any pull whatsoever to please call someone and get it done for me. Well, I kept checking last night and it just kept saying picking and this morning it says ready to ship...

Monday, another 3 days without a Bionic wont kill me, but not sure if the dog will live through the weekend or not. lol.....
Mine is still in Memphis as of 10:56pm last night. Its scheduled to arrive Monday by 7:00 PM at my work. But I know the driver and he'll have it to me in the morning.

I called to place my order Wednesday evening. The person I talked to said they couldnt place my order and I would have to call back in the monring. Less then a minute after hanging up, she called me back to tell me she was wrong and that she could place the order for me.
I just ordered mine this morning & I just got the Picked Up notice from FedEx...due for delivery on Tues out of Weschester PA as well. I am hoping for a Monday delivery though! I saved $80 by ordering on the phone & telling the operator about the online price of $250 plus I got a $30 upgrade discount (remember when it was $100!!) So for $220 shipped I think that's great! I'm coming from an OG Droid that I paid $199 for! :p
Mines' on the truck for delivery!

Since 8 a.m. my package has been on the truck for delivery with delivery by 3. It's 1:15 and still no sight of the FedeX truck!

I copied my SD card from my OG Droid, hoping to pop it into the Bionic to save some time. Hopefully, that was a good idea.dancedroid

Still waiting....... Then, over to the "just got my BIONIC thread" lol
Just checked tracking again, it says DELIVERED.

I unfortunately, do not get off work for another two hours. Hmmm.... I think I am feeling sick. I should get this checked out.

*customized tapatalk signature*