It is as you say, mem-sahib. Google Search Widget is there, and it's themed.
But I don't know why you chose pink for it when everything else is red...
Yeah, kidding again.
Looks great. I don't use a search widget at all anyway - w/a dedicated search key that does the same thing it never made sense to me to clutter up my home screens w/it. But I understand other people love it like a cute little bunny.
It's fun to on occasion know what the answers are gonna be ahead of's like being psychic
I also agree about Search Widgets ....
Funny story...when I had more time I used to do a fair amount of Beta testing for various Android app Developers. There was one app..VERY well know even today, and has been in the Top 10 almost since it was released and last I checked still is. Anyway, the lower function menu (displayed all the time in the app ) had a search button in....on the far right (yes, within a few mm of the search key)... and yet there had to be a submenu key because of 2 more important buttons needed for the apps functions beyond the others in the took me over a month to convince the Dev to remove the Search button and the submenu button and replace them with the 2 functions in the submenu...he finally changed it 2 weeks AFTER the release.....go figure.
Moral of the story is some people LOVE such search buttons and/or widgets...and I don't get it either... wasted real estate IMHO, that's what the "hard key" is for.
BUT, Android above all else, is all about options and everyone likes to do it how they like....just as it should be!
Man, do I hate Pink (the color, Love the artist)