I like that we had a similar experience!
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Haha...Upstate NY
I like that we had a similar experience!
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My receipt does not have an expiration date anywhere from my pre-order...
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Its not on the receipt, its on the blue form you filled out. Its on the lower right side.
I never filled out a blue form...I got a gift card for $50 and a receipt with my refrence number that I need to present to the rep when I go get my phone. I was told the phone will be here on the 14th...and not many people preordered at that store.
I didn't fill out a blue form - she made me a rewards member, put my # in the computer, took my $50 and gave me a receipt with my gift card showing a $50 deposit for pre-order for the T-Bolt. She sent me on my way telling me to pick it up in the am on the 14th...
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I didn't fill out a blue form - she made me a rewards member, put my # in the computer, took my $50 and gave me a receipt with my gift card showing a $50 deposit for pre-order for the T-Bolt. She sent me on my way telling me to pick it up in the am on the 14th...
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same here...
I like that we had a similar experience!
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The fact they're trying to do it early shouldn't cause angst or bad feelings towards them.
I would agree if they didnt let it get to the point where people are plunking down hard earned money on a pre-order that expires on 2/16. I asked the bb rep on twitter what happens if the phone comes out after expiration. His response...
"@Kentholio @twelpforce our pre orders for | Twelpforce Conversations After the 16th it will be sold first come first serve. You can possibly call your local store... #twelpforce"
This is a problem.
I cant say for sure, but with the few things we know to be I true, I have come up with a theory that could explain what is going on here.
It is very clear that despite the hemming and hawing over the release date, it was at one point in time Feb 14 (as evidenced by the screen cap we saw yesterday). Now we know it has been delayed. We have heard several reason for why this could be, but only one really makes sense.
1 Hardware issue. Not likely as and hardware problem would have been identified long before now as many folks have been actively testing this device i.e. CEO of HTC, and our favorite twittering panda. They both claim the device to be solid.
2. Software issue. Also not likely. For the reasons stated above, plus the fact that the new version of sense is already working on other phones with froyo. Some have stated that Skype or mobile hotspot is holding it up, but we already heard this phone would not ship with either, so that shouldnt have caused a delay this close to release.
3. The fruit phone. This makes alot of sense. Verizon is worried that folks who get the iphone may return it to get the Thunderbolt, as it is newer tech, and may include features the iphone doesnt. Now we all know Verizon doesnt make money off the phone, but rather its monthly plans, so you might ask "Why would Verizon care? They will get a 2 year contract at the end of the day, so what does that matter?". Well, if alot of folks return the iphone for a thunderbolt, Verizon will be left with alot of phones that they will be forced to sell as refurbished. This is not a good scenario for Verizon, or Apple for that matter.
In the meantime, Best Buy starts a presale. It also appears that others such as Amazon gear up for this as well. When Best Buy hears of a possible delay from big V, they see an opportunity. An opportunity to secure a national retail exclusive for the phone. This is a win-win for everyone. Verizon can get a test bed of users for its LTE network, while not having to service the folks wanting to buy the phone. I'm sure Best Buy probably scratched them a check for this as well. Verizon also would not have to bear the burden of the returned iphones. Now you may ask "Why would Best Buy we willing to do this?" Well, as evidenced by the infamous Iphone4 vs Evo 4G video, people who want the iphone, want the iphone. Very few people who buy and iphone from Best Buy, would then return it to Best Buy for the Thunderbolt. I'm sure Best Buy would be willing to eat whatever it may lose on refurbished handsets, to sign up a ton of new contracts for the Thunderbolt.
Now alot of this is speculation, but it seems to make the most sense to me. We will never know exactly what all went down, but we should learn at least something by Monday.
VZW knew they were launching the IPhone when they picked that Feb14 date for the Thunderbolt. Now maybe the IPhone was originally going to be slated a few weeks after the Thunderbolt, but either way they didn't learn they were launching the IPhone just last week.
I don't think I'd rule out a technical or a functional issue that may require a software patch or just a heated internal debate at VZW over LTE pricing strategy (and free mobile hotspot, etc).
But the most probably explanation is IPhone and/or TB was either late or early on the expected launch date. VZW name is all over the press with the IPhone launch. This is ALL about keeping VZW front in center as the premier service provider. The IPhone launch comes and goes and BOOM, you get the VZW name back out there in the press with the LTE-capable TB launch.
Yet, this is also a viable theory
Yet, this is also a viable theory
Hard to tell what is rumor and what is true, but Best Buy is taking preorders, correct? I thought I heard VZW say something along the lines of they don't control what Best Buy does.
So that to me says the TB launch was indeed planned for the dates stated. Now the question is, forget about any shenanigans between VZW and Apple, why isn't Best Buy shipping the TB? To me that only points to an issue with the TB itself or some internal hemming and hawing with VZW over LTE pricing and/or what sort of special promotions they will offer with the TB to spur LTE subscriptions.
Dunno if this has been mentioned yet. I went into the Local Verizon store here and asked about an early upgrade and if i could use it at Best Buy since they say they're getting the TB early. He told me Best Buy IS NOT getting the Thunderbolt before Verizon Corporate stores. Best Buy is the only 3RD PARTY retailer that will be selling the Thunderbolt at first. Verizon Corporate stores ARE NOT 3rd party. they'll have it the SAME DAY as Best Buy. Dunno what day that is, but it won't be different.