Ok so last week I was seriously on the ledge and ready to say screw it I'm getting a DX, now I've had a chance to calm down. I went to the Verizon store to play with phones the other day (mostly the DX), and when a rep came over to talk to me I asked her about the TB. The rep told me that they have been calling it the unicorn, since they keep hearing about it but still have no release date. I really liked the DX and it was hard to not walk out with one that night (played with the iPhone fr about 30 seconds and put it back, YUCK).
Here are some of the issues I am interested in relating to the TB vs. DX.
1. Signal strength - I live in north central Pa and if you look at a Verizon coverage map I live in that white spot in the middle. I can usually get enough service to send and receive texts but not enough to hold a call. My current phone is not 3G so I'm not sure how a 3G phone would perform at my house. I was also told that the DX has the strongest antenna of any of the phones currently on the Verizon lineup, can anybody confirm this? The Verizon rep told me that I can expect 4G in this area sometime this summer because the demand for it is growing due to all of the natural gas drilling going on. She also said that 4G is a much stronger type of signal and that it would most likely clear up my coverage issues.
2. Cost - While TB appears to be an awesome phone is it really worth the cost of 2 DXs. I'm not a person who lives and dies with my phone so I'm not sure that I really need all this new tech. 40GB is crazy but I have a 16GB sd card in my envy touch and I will probably never fill that.
3. Screen - Specifically durability. I carry my Env Touch in my pocket all the time and I believe that this is the reason that the touch screen has become all but useless. I also pocket carry my iPod touch and have never had an issue with it's screen because of gorilla glass. I understand that the DX has a screen very like the one on my Env, but what about the screen on the TB is it glass like the iPod?
Any comments would be greatly appreciated.