Where are people getting their info on how company discounts will be applied? I've seen a few people add up their charges and selected shared data plan and knocking 10 or 15 or 20% off the TOTAL. Is this how this will be calculated? Currently, only the main line with the discount receives that discount.
There's a difference between:
2 Smartphones @ $40 each = $80
2GB shared = $60
MINUS 20% company discount off ALL of the above = -$28
TOTAL = $112 (before taxes, fees, insurance, etc)
2 Smartphones @ $40 each = $80
MINUS 20% company discount on PRIMARY phone ONLY= -$8
2GB shared = $60 (with no company discount b/c it's shared?)
TOTAL = $132 (before taxes, fees, insurance, etc)
So I'm wondering who has info on how the discounts will be applied? Previously, the main line had the bulk of the charges with the 2nd, 3rd, etc phones having just the $10 charge + data plan... I doubt VZW is going to discount off the total of both the phone(s) and data.